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Reynolds v. Sims.

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Q: Which court case dealt with voting rights and the process of drawing voting?
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What was the importance of the voting rights act in 1965?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 basically said that no person should be denied the right to vote because of color or race. This piece of legislation is known as a landmark civil rights law. This law did many things including the following:Enforced the 15th Amendment.Outlawed voting practices that discriminated against people because of race or color.Prohibited literacy tests nationwide.Focused on areas that most discriminated against voters.Said that if a jurisdiction violates this law, the court can appoint someone to oversee the election process in that jurisdiction. This was cause for great alarm in the south because it was understood that the Federal Government would take over the election process if they found the election process to be unfair.

Which occurred first voting rights for African-Americans or appointing the first woman to the US Supreme Court?

African-Americans got voting rights long before the first woman was appointed to the US Supreme Court. The Fifteenth Amendment extended voting rights to African-American men on February 3, 1870; The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote on August 18, 1920. Some states allowed women to participate in state and local elections earlier than 1920. President Ronald Reagan appointed the first female US Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, in 1981.

What is Poland's voting age?

Everyone that is at least 18 years old and has a Polish citizenship. There is no need to e.g. register for voting, like it's done in other countries.

What tactics have been used to keep African Americans from voting and what has not been attempted to keep them from voting?

Not court orders but Literacy Tests

When did the individual states have to also abide by the bill of rights?

"However, beginning in the early 20th century, the Supreme Court has used the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to apply most of the Bill of Rights to the states through the process and doctrine of selective incorporation." WORKS CITED:

Related questions

Which court case dealt with voting rights and the process of drawing voting districts in states?

Reynolds vs. sims

How did US Supreme Court rulings after Reconstruction weaken African-Americans' civil rights?

They segregated them and denied their voting rights.

Why is there a desire for federal legislation to protect voting?

There is a NEED to protect voting rights. Some states are passing laws to restrict people from voting and making sure there are not voting precincts in the poorest areas of cities. Some of the laws reflect the old Jim Crow laws and going back over 60 years in voting rights. Since this is the case and by court rulings under the civil rights voting act the federal government is designated to protect voting rights.

What type of court cases dramatically affected the nation?

The type of cases that dramatically affected the nation in the US were about the Voting Rights Act.

Which principle did the supreme court use to halt the recount process?

individual rights

Which Supreme Court decision desegregated?

The Supreme Court Brown vs. Board of Education ended segregation in schools but it took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to get all the Jim Crow laws off the books.

What was the importance of the voting rights act in 1965?

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 basically said that no person should be denied the right to vote because of color or race. This piece of legislation is known as a landmark civil rights law. This law did many things including the following:Enforced the 15th Amendment.Outlawed voting practices that discriminated against people because of race or color.Prohibited literacy tests nationwide.Focused on areas that most discriminated against voters.Said that if a jurisdiction violates this law, the court can appoint someone to oversee the election process in that jurisdiction. This was cause for great alarm in the south because it was understood that the Federal Government would take over the election process if they found the election process to be unfair.

How did supreme court rulings during reconstruction help weaken African Americans' civil rights?

As early as 1868 Supreme Court Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase, a leading Radical during the reconstruction, made many decisions with the Supreme Court that weakened African Americans' civil rights. He continued to segregate them and deny them rights as voters.

What was the reaction to the Supreme Court decision in Nixon vs Herndon?

The Texas Democratic Party passed rules to ensure continued discrimination.

How do you get granted emancipation rights?

You petition the court for emancipation. If you can provide all the necessary documentation and proofs to the court, the judge will issue an emancipation order. That allows you to act as an adult on your own behalf. It does not change your age for purposes of age limited rights, such as voting or purchase of alcohol.

The Supreme court's decision in Miranda v Arizona was based mainly on?

the incorporation of due process rights in the Bill of Rights so as to make them apply to the states

Which occurred first voting rights for African-Americans or appointing the first woman to the US Supreme Court?

African-Americans got voting rights long before the first woman was appointed to the US Supreme Court. The Fifteenth Amendment extended voting rights to African-American men on February 3, 1870; The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote on August 18, 1920. Some states allowed women to participate in state and local elections earlier than 1920. President Ronald Reagan appointed the first female US Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, in 1981.