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Q: Which country withdrew from the war after an internal rebellion and civil war?
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What were some of the challenges which faced our country's leaders from colonial times to the Civil War?

Some of the challenges that faced our country's leaders from the colonial times to the civil war include debts and taxes, foreign issues, governance problems and military rebellion.

What is the name of southern state that withdrew from the US before the civil war?

South Carolina

Where were the people in the US Civil War from?

A civil war is an internal conflict with in a single country between parties that disagree. It can be therefore safely assumed that the vast majority of the people in the US civil war were from the US

What major country withdrew from World War 1?

russia because of the bolsheviek revolution in 1917. Technically, it was the Russian Revolution in 1917, which led to the Russian Civil War, which was won by the Bolsheviks.

Who rule the north during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the entire country, Jefferson Davis led the southern rebellion against U.S.

Was the civil war a take over of one country by another?

No, that was more like the Mexican War. The American Civil War was a rebellion of eleven states that declared themselves to be a separate nation, which Congress refused to recognise.

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Taiping Rebellion

Why did northerners call the war of the rebellion the war of the rebellion?

To most people living in the US at the time, the Civil War as we know it today, was called the "war of rebellion.

What is the war for southern indpendence?

The Civil War, or the War of the Rebellion

A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called what?

A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called civil conflict or internal conflict. It typically involves differing political, social, or economic interests and can escalate into civil war if not resolved peacefully.

Why was there no formal peace treaty after the American Civil War?

There was no peace treaty of any kind after the end of the US Civil War. Since the Federal government, and no other country ever recognized the Confederacy as a independent government, Lincoln and other leaders treated the War as a rebellion. A rebellion that was crushed and the end result was that the States that were defeated in their rebellion were now subject to various sanctions and rules ( reconstruction) in order to regain their former status as before 1861.

Whose opinion was that the Civil War was a rebellion of individuals?

Andrew Johnson