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Warsaw is the capital city of Poland.
Capital and largest city in Poland
Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland.

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Q: Which country is Warsaw the capital of?
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What is the European country with Warsaw as its capital?

Poland. Tha capital of Poland is Warsaw.

What country has the capital of Warsaw?


What is Warsaw country and continent?

Warsaw is the capital of Poland. It is located in Europe.

What is the capital of the country whose northern border is Poland and Germany?

That would be the Czech Republic.

Is Warsaw in a country that has a border on the Mediterranean sea?

Warsaw is not a country, it is the capital of Poland , a country that does not boarder the Mediterranean Sea

What is capital city of Poland?

Warsaw is the capital city of Poland, it is also the largest city in that country.

Warsaw is in which country?

Largest city and capital of Poland

Warsaw is the cabital of what country?

Warsaw is the capital and largest city in Poland

What is capital of Warsaw?

Warsaw doesn't have a capital, it is the capital of Poland.

Is Warsaw a national capital?

Yes. Warsaw is the capital of Poland.

What is the capital for Warsaw?

Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland.

What capital is Warsaw?

Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland.