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Q: Which countries where on the British side?
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What countries fought on both sids in world war 1?

Italy who were originally on the side of the germans who then moved to the side o f the british.

Do more people drive on the left or the right side of the road?

In the United States, we drive on the right side of the road. Most countries with British influence drive on the left side of the road.

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The countries that were involved in the battle of Kasserine pass are: - From allied side: the United States, le British, the French and Tunisia (as an allied theatre of operations and a French colony) - From the Axis side: Germany and Italy

What were the British countries?

British countries ARE: England Scotland Wales Northern Ireland

What countries in the UK face West?

All of them ! England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland ALL have coastlines on the western side of the British Isles !

Which countries have not fought the British?

There were twenty-two countries that never fought the British. Some of the names of the countries that did not fight the British are Honduras, Iran, Iraq, and Ireland.

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the British side

Who was on the British side during the French and Indian War?

The irquios tribe was on the british side. The british side won the war.

What are the name of the British countries?

UK(United Kingdom), Great Britain, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are the name of the British countries. They're also British countries as well because they're not just the name of the British countries. They are British countries but they speak English like people in the United States. Note: The United States is not a British country.

Is George Clinton on the british side or the American side?

George Clinton was on the British side.

Which countries were ruled by the British empire?

the india british nation has over power several countries,many countries are britished ruled imparticular,and british emprecountry,australia.ETC

In Europe when a conflict develops between countries the small unstable countries usually .?

Side with strong countries