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The defeat of the Spanish Pacific Fleet by Admiral Dewey at Manilla Bay, Philippines. The defeat of the Spanish Atlantic Fleet at Santiago Bay, Cuba, and the American land victory at San Juan Hill on Cuba. It really wasn't much of a war. It prefaced a far larger war which lasted far longer than the Spanish-American War, and that was the Philippine-American War which was not covered in textbooks in many schools, because America is ashamed that it occurred. Although Cuba gained their independence, Philippines should have as well during that war---after all they already had their own Filipino President and Constitution. Americans decided to fight the Filipinos for rule over the Philippines, and this war is sadly addressed only at the end of the Spanish American War.

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Spain was not.

The US was not.

The War was limited to the Pacific and Caribbean.

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Spain was not.

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Q: Which countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish and American War?
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What countries were not the scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

Spain and the US were not battlefields.

Was Spain one of the countries not a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

Yes. Neither Spain nor the US had any fighting in their own countries.

What was one American Battle in the Philippines during the Spanish American War?

The Naval Battle at Manila Bay.

Which of the countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

The US wasn't. Spain wasm't.

Was Cuba a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

Yes, the best known land battle was at San Juan Hill and the the Naval Battle at Santiago destroyed Spain's second fleet of the Spanish American War.

Related questions

What countries were not the scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

Spain and the US were not battlefields.

Which countries was a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

The Philippines was, Cuba was and Puerto Rico was.

Which countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

The US wasn't. Spain wasm't.

What countries was at the scene of the battle during the Spanish-American War?

The four New World Spanish Colonies except that Guam was a bloodless affair.

What countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish American war Cuba Puerto Rico Spain The Philippines?


Was Spain one of the countries not a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

Yes. Neither Spain nor the US had any fighting in their own countries.

Where was the first battle during during the Spanish American War?

It was the Battle of Manila Bay in the Philippines.

What was one American Battle in the Philippines during the Spanish American War?

The Naval Battle at Manila Bay.

Was Spain a country that was a scene of battle during the Spanish-American War?

No, the Spanish American War was fought in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

Which of the countries was not a scene of battle during the Spanish American War?

The US wasn't. Spain wasm't.

What countries were involved during the Spanish American war?

Spain and the US.

Scene of the battle during the spanish American war?

Yes, the best known land battle was at San Juan Hill and the the Naval Battle at Santiago destroyed Spain's second fleet of the Spanish American War.