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Great British and Spain

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Q: Which countries in World War 1 gained land and which countries lost land?
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Who lost and gained more people and land in World War 1?

Germany lost a lot of land and rights and adjacent countries gained land and some new countries gained independence. Germany lost a lot of people and I dont think anyone gained people.

What three countries lost land after World War 1?

Russia and Germany lost land also the austro Hungarian empire and the ottoman empires broke up into a collection of smaller countries.

What did the Treaty of Ghent say about the amount of land gained or lost by the US in the war of 1812?

It didn't say anything about the land gained, because there was no land gained, no one even won the war.

What were the costs of the First World War 1 for the world?

Type your answer here... It tepnds if you are talking about land mass distribution, deaths, money, or reasources bcause a lot of these things (usually the money and the deaths were in the millions for some countries) were gained or lost at the treaty of Paris

What groups gained least from the treaty Paris?

The groups gained the most while Great Britain had lost the land.

How did treaty change the world map?

because of the treat and of the war alot of the allies had lost and also gained territory. Several new countries were created.

What groups gained least from the Treaty of Paris?

The groups gained the most while Great Britain had lost the land.

Who possessed land lost by Russia after world war 1?

Russia, technically, gave up the land to Germany. However, after the Central Powers lost the war, that land was made into new countries, such as Finland and Poland.

In Great Britain during World War 1 how much land was gained lost?

That would be none. Great Britain is an island. It didn't change shape.

What was the advantages and disadvantages of colonization in Indonesia?

lost money gained land and resources and got shot.

Which countries lost land as a result of the congress of Berlin?


What territories did the US acquire after World War 1?

Germany lost the tritories they had won, japan lost control of Korea and frenchindo china, and Hungary - Lost land to Romania. and Bulgaria - Lost land to Greece (this is not a complete list!!)