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Germany , Italy , Japan , United Kingdom , United States , and Soviet Union

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Q: Which countries and figureheads made up the allies and axis powers of world war 2?
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What is the Axis Powers during World War ll?

The Axis powers were the countries that were allies of Nazi Germany.

Compare and contrast the allies and the axis powers of world war 2?

The allies had more navy and air force and the axis had more military

Countries of World War I?

there are actually Quite a lot of countries involved in ww1 Great britain (Allies America (Allies, joined in april, 1917) Germany (Central powers) France (Allies) Russia (Allies, left in February 1917 due to Russian Revolution) Turkey (Central powers) Italy (Allies) Romania (Allies) Serbia (Allies Greece (Allies) Austria-Hungary (Central powers) Bosnia (Central powers) Bulgaria (Central powers) British Empire (Allies) Belgium (Allies) Portugal (Allies) hope this helps you :-)

What are Axis countries mean?

The Axis powers were the countries which fought the Allies in World War II For a list, see the link below

Who were the enemys in World War 2?

The war consisted of 3 sides axis,allies,and countries that were neutral(about 5 or less) the axis powers had Germany,Italy,japan,France and china which were both forced into the axis powers while the allies had America and the rest of the world(except the neutral countries.

What countries were the US allies during the world?

England, France, Russia, China as well as other countries were included in the Allied Powers during WW2.

What countries were allies and which were the central powers?

In world war 1 the central powers were Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire. The allies where The British empire, France, Russia and later the United states, Italy and 21 other nations

What is the significance of the allied powers?

The Allied powers were the countries like the US and Great Britain in world war 2 that opposed the axis powers in World War 2 or Italy and Germany.

Are Axis axis mean?

The Axis powers were the countries which fought the Allies in World War II For a list, see the link below

What were the 2 powers of world war 1?

the allies and central powers.

What countries form the allies?

the Great Britain, france,Russia formed an alliance but during the world war 1 they were called the allied powers.

Which countries were the principal allies of the US before World War 2?

The countries that formed the principal allies of the US before World War 2 were China, France, Britain, Poland, The Netherlands, Portugal, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R). These countries were up against the Axis Powers. (Germany, Italy, Japan)