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Plymouth because there was only women in Jamestown at the time of the 1600s and im not a boy.........if i was a boy i would have chosen Jamestown.....

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Q: Which colony would you rather live in Plymouth or Jamestown?
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Where did the second attempt to establish an England colony?

If you count Roanoke as the first colony, then, it would be Jamestown. If you count Jamestown as the first, then it would be Plymouth.

What two larger colonies grew out of the first two English settlements at Jamestown and Plymouth?

Jamestown was the first settlement in what became Virginia (named in honor of the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth) and Plymouth was the first settlement in what would become the Massachusetts Bay colony.

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The Pilgrims settled in what is now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts. Eventually the settlement would be considered the colony of Massachusetts.

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The first major colony was Vagina, the heart of it at the time was Jamestown

How do you write a compare and contrast essay about The Plymouth colony and the Jamestown settlement and the founding of English America?

I will give you a suggestion to help you. Make a Venn diagram for your comparison and contrast of the colonies. With it laid out that way you can write the essay. I would also suggest you start with Jamestown since they came in 1607 and Plymouth happens in 1620. You could do a paragraph or two on Jamestown explaining why they came to Virginia and what happened. Then, move to Plymouth and explore how their colony was set up and why. Then, compare the two, and finally contrast them. I would end the essay with a summary putting it all together. A good opening line for your essay is " the purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Jamestown and Plymouth " you can use this line with just about anything you write and it will help focus your thinking for your essay.

What was the England's first colony at Jamestown?

Jamestown was England's first settlement in what would become Virginia.

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a colony that was formed to spread christianity and practice free religion !(:

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Roanoke Colony, founded by Sir Walter Raleigh, preceded Jamestown but it disappeared. Had it survived it would have been the first English colony.