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New England colonies

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Q: Which colonial region had the shortest border with the backcountry?
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Which colonial region had the largest slave population the southern New England middle or backcountry?

The Southern Colonies do they are made up of half slaves half colonists

Were colonial farms found in the Appalachian region in colonial times?

There were farms along the Appalachian mountains, as it had a resemblance to the backcountry, where the soil was rocky and thin. So although there were farms, the amount of crops that one could receive was quite small.

In the Southern Colonies the region of small farms was called the?


What was a backcountry tour guide in the 1600s?

A sparsely inhabited rural region

What ran along tge applalachian mountains from new england to the southern colonies?

Backcountry is a colonial region that ran along the Appalachian Mountains through the far western part of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.

Region of hills and forests climbing up toward the appalachian mountains?


In the southern colonies the region of small farms near the Appalachian mountain was called?


In the southern colonies what was the region of small farms called?

Back Country

Which two groups settled in the backcountry region in north America?

The scot-Irish and Germans.

What is the definition of colonial regions?

A colonial region is a region where colonies inhabit the land. For example, New England in the United States was a colonial region.

In thee southern colonies what was the region of small farms called?

Back Country

What does colonial regions mean?

what is a colonial region