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Q: Which civilization developed astronomy calendrical systems and hieroglyphic writing?
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Who developed a hieroglyphic system of writing?

The Egyptians developed a hieroglyphic writing system.

Who developed a writing system?

The Egyptians developed a hieroglyphic writing system.

What culture was the first to developed written language in America?

The Olmec civilization in Mesoamerica is believed to be one of the first to have developed a written language in the Americas. This script consists of hieroglyphic symbols found on artifacts like the Cascajal Block.

Which two fields were developed in Babylonia?

The two fields developed by Babylonia were Astronomy and Astrology.

What was the pictograph writing style Egypt developed?

They developed the pictograph writing style called Hieroglyphic/Hieroglyph

What kinds of discoveries did Hellenistic scholars make?

They developed several kinds of mathematics, Astronomy, and geometry

Which civilication located in present day oaxaca built temples and developed an early form of hieroglyphic writing?

The Mixtec and Zapotec Indians both developed early forms of hieroglyphic writing at the historic sites of Monte Alban and Mitla.

How did the Maya use astronomy?

BY watching the sky, the priests learned about Astronomy and developed a 365-day calendar

What were the Maya skilled at?

The Maya were skilled at architecture, astronomy, mathematics, art, and writing. They built impressive cities and temples, developed a complex calendar system, created intricate artwork and pottery, and devised a hieroglyphic writing system.

What civilizaton developed astronomy?

The ancient Greeks.

Which two were developed in Babylonia?

The two fields developed by Babylonia were Astronomy and Astrology.

The region in mesopotamia where the first civilization developed is callede?

The Fertile Crescent is the Mesopotamian region where the first civilization developed. It is popularly known as the Cradle of Civilization.