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Q: Which century did Buddha become represented in human form?
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Is there only one Buddha?

No. Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, is often called the historical Buddha, but he is not the only buddha. He taught that everyone can become a buddha just like him. The word buddha means "awake,' so this means that a buddha is someone who is awake, or enlightened. Everyone has the capacity to become a buddha because all beings already possess the buddha nature; it just has to be made consciously manifest through the process of enlightenment. There have been countless buddhas, both celestial buddhas and buddhas in human form. An example of a celestial buddha is Amitabha, the Buddha of Infinite Light, one of the most popular objects of worship in Buddhism. An example of a human buddha is Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, often called the Second Buddha. He brought Buddhism from India to Tibet in the 8th century.

Do you beleve in Buddha?

Yes. Buddha is the best human to believe and believing Buddha will be a merit for us definitely.

Is Buddha evil?

Evil emanates from the individual, not from any religion. NOT from any of the religions.

Where are The Buddha worshipers located?

Actually, the point of engaging in Buddhist practices is not to worship the Buddha. So there are no worshipers of the Buddha. The point of engaging in Buddhist practices is to reduce suffering (dissatisfaction, troubles, sorrow). A practitioner who is successful realizes his or her "Buddha-Nature," which each human is believed already to have (but usually without realizing it). In that sense, the point of engaging in Buddhist practices is to become a buddha, which just means someone who is awake. .

The Buddha was particularly troubled by the problem of?

human suffering and death

What did Buddha say to human suffering?

They did not like the idea of human suffering. They want peace and happiness

Who is Buddha what was his main principles?

Lord Buddha is the supreme human being who discovered the ultimate reality about all living beings which called Buddhism.

What is your Buddha?

The historical Buddha, Shakyamuni, was an ordinary human who developed mind's potential to the fullest. He represents the potential of every human being to awaken to the truth of how things are, and to see deeply into the nature of cause and effect.

How did Laughing Buddha become a god?

The laughing Buddha is the Chinese representation of the Buddha. The Buddha in any form is not a god.Answer1. The Buddha is not a God. He is a Great Human BeingThose who do not know the Buddha properly, consider Him a God. The Buddha never esteemed such unnecessary glory, praise or honour. Nor did He expect such things. " O Bhikkhus, gains, offerings, glory, praise are all harsh and fierce. They are a danger preventing the achievement of the highest bliss of liberation. "The Buddha appeared among men solely to make people see their ignorance, lack of awareness, wrong views, fallacies, and wrong actions. Such a great man will never expect limitless deference, praise or honour from the people

What is Virgos animal?

Its a human sign represented by a virgin female human.

In Vampire Diaries does Stefan become human?

Stefan is a vampire, born in the Italian Renaissance during the late fifteenth century.

How thick were the Buddha's earloobs?

as with any other human being, people's earlobes differ in thickness, length and shape. there is no possible way of telling how thick the original buddha's were.