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p-waves because they have more forcce and they are faster

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Q: Which causes more damage p waves or s waves?
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Do p or s waves cause more damage?

S waves generally cause more damage than P waves during an earthquake. S waves have a stronger shaking motion that can lead to more destruction of buildings and infrastructure. P waves, on the other hand, are faster and usually less damaging than S waves.

P waves and S waves are two kinds of seismic waves.?

P waves are primary waves that are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through both solids and liquids. S waves are secondary waves that are slower than P waves and can only travel through solids. These waves are used by seismologists to study the interior of the Earth and to detect and locate earthquakes.

What type of seismic waves causes the worst damage?

There are P waves, S waves, and Surface waves [coming in that order]. The P waves are that half second jolt, the S waves are the 2-10 second rumbles, and the Surface waves go crazy and cause the most damage.

Which wave does most damage p wave or s wave?

S waves typically cause more damage than P waves because they move more slowly and have larger amplitudes, resulting in stronger shaking of the ground during an earthquake. S waves can also produce more intense shaking and ground displacement, leading to a higher potential for structural damage.

Why are surface waves more destructive to building p waves or s waves?

Because surface waves have a larger amplitude and thus more energy and so can cause more damage than P and S waves. they are more destructive because they are on the suface and because they are slowerRate This Answer

What travels faster P waves or S waves?

S-waves are stronger, but travel slower and can only travel through solids.

Why are surface waves more destructive to building than p waves or s waves are?

Surface waves are more destructive because they travel along the surface of the Earth, affecting a larger area and causing more ground shaking. This shaking can amplify the motion of buildings and structures, leading to more damage. In contrast, P waves and S waves travel through the interior of the Earth and typically have less impact on surface structures.

What do P waves do to buildings?

P waves (primary waves) are the first waves generated by an earthquake and travel faster than other seismic waves. These waves push and pull on structures in a back-and-forth motion, causing buildings to move horizontally. While they may not cause as much damage as other seismic waves, such as S waves or surface waves, P waves can still contribute to structural damage and shaking of buildings during an earthquake.

Which type of body wave always arrives second?

Love waves always arrive second in a seismic event, following the arrival of the faster moving P-waves. These surface waves are the second type of body wave to arrive, known for their horizontal shearing motion that causes more damage during an earthquake.

Which waves are more destructive p waves or s waves?

S waves are typically more destructive than P waves because they have a greater amplitude and can cause more shaking of the ground. Additionally, S waves are responsible for generating most of the damage associated with earthquakes, such as building collapses and landslides.

Why are s waves more destructive than P waves?

S waves are more destructive than P waves because they travel in a more complex, side-to-side motion that can shake structures both vertically and horizontally. P waves, on the other hand, travel in a back-and-forth motion that may not cause as much structural damage.

What is the greatest amount of earthquake damage is done by?

Earthquake damage is typically caused by the combination of ground shaking, surface faulting, and ground failure (such as landslides, liquefaction, and tsunamis). The greatest amount of damage is usually seen in densely populated areas with poorly constructed buildings and inadequate infrastructure. The level of damage also depends on the intensity and duration of the shaking, as well as the proximity of the epicenter to populated areas.