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Q: Which bird was worshiped by harappan people?
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Can you give me information about the harappan toys?

Remains of a variety of children's toys have been found. The toys were made of clay. They include carts, bird-shaped whistles, rattles and figures of various animals.

What did the harappan people wear?


How do you understand that the harappan people knew the art of writing?

Writing has been found on various Harappan objects, such as stamp seals, pots, bangles and an ax.

Why did Charlemagne kill people if they worshiped another God and not the one he worshiped?

Charlemagne was a protectionist

Which site of harappan civilization pre-harappan and harappan culture was found?

Mehrgarh is a pre-Harappan site in Pakistan, and Harappa and Mohenjodaro are Harappan sites, also in Pakistan. There is a link below.

What was the harappan people known for?

The Harappans were careful planners and skilled engineers.

Were harappan people superstitious?

One person's superstition is another person's religion.

Why should people worshiped a pharaoh?

they shouldn't

what is worshiped in the book uglies?

Ugly people

What best describes how the people of the harappan civilization were unique compared to those of most ancient civilizations?

The people of the Harappan civilization were unique compared to those of most other ancient civilization. They were monotheistic, they traded with Mesopotamia, and mummified the dead.

What were the religious beliefs of harappan civilision?

The Harappan Religion was polytheistic.

When did the Harappan empire begin?

The Harappan Civilization begain in 2500BCE