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In the Manhattan Project they worked on two different designs for nuclear weapons. The idea is to make a critical mass which causes a chain reaction. You do this by compressing the material violently with conventional explosives. The Little Boy used an internal cannon to shoot a projectile into a mass of uranium to compress it. The Fat Man used a sphere of plutonium surrounded by a 'shape charge' that would explode and compress it.

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7y ago

If you mean the power (In terms of similar to how much Kilotons of TNT), then it is fatman is about 22kT whereas little boy is about 13kT.

If you mean which has created more casualties, then it is little boy (Due to population / geographical condition of 2 different places and the fact that fatman was dropped almost 2 miles off target, not because little boy is more powerful than fatman.)

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6y ago

"Little Boy", the bomb dropped on Hiroshima was what is known as a "Gun Type" Bomb because one sub-critical mass of uranium-235 was blasted by a standard explosive charge into a cavity in the second sub-critical mass of the same element. This created the critical reaction/explosion with the power of somewhere between 13000-18000 tons (13-18 kilotons) of TNT, (trinitrotuluene).

"Fat Man", the bomb dropped on Nagasaki was called an "Implosion" bomb. This is a more complex type of bomb using concentric layers of standard and radioactive or "fissile" materials. From the outside in; a layer of conventional explosive, next a layer of depleted uranium, in side a hollow "pit" of plutonium-239 with a small modulated neutron initiator made of Beryllium inside of that. Detonating the conventional explosives cased a cascading implosion of the sub critical materials releasing explosive energy in the range of between 20000-22000 tons, (20-22 kilotons) of TNT, (trinitrotuluene)

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13y ago

There is no difference in effectiveness because the most powerful bomb can be ineffective because there is nobody to kill. If you want to know which was more powerful, it was the "fat man" bomb.

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13y ago

Fat man, dropped on Nagasaki, used plutonium, which is more powerful than uranium, which is what Little boy was made of. Little boy was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

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Q: Which atomic bomb was more effective Little Boy or Fat Man?
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Can there be an atomic bomb on earth?

Although your question is vague, atomic bombs have come and gone in terms of technology. We now have conventional weapons that are more powerful than the atomic bomb.

Why did Edward Teller make the hydrogen bomb?

He created it to be more powerful than the atomic, and fission bomb.

What weapon was developed during the cold war that was more powerful than the atomic bomb?


Why is Hydrogen bomb more destructive than atom bomb?

A hydrogen bomb is more destructive than an atomic bomb because it has hydrogen. Hydrogen is highly flammable, and if a hydrogen bomb exploded with enough force and just enough fire, a huge wide area of a fiery explosion will occur. This is more destructive than the atomic bomb. Fire basically engulfs everything and destroys all in its path, making for an effective bomb.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wrong!Hydrogen does not burn in a hydrogen bomb, it fuses releasing atomic energy too. This fusion reaction is over in microseconds, much faster than combustion can start; also it reaches temperatures in the tens of millions of degrees, much hotter than any chemical fire or fission bomb. The reason a fusion bomb is usually more destructive than a fission bomb is the fusion bomb has no upper limit on yield, the fission bomb cannot be built with a yield over 1 megaton. One can just keep adding fusion stages until you get the desired yield.

Which is most powerful a nuke an atomic bomb or a hydrogen bomb?

An H-Bomb is 1000 times stronger than an atomic bomb. Atomic explosions are based on splitting atoms and is a fission explosion or fission bomb. The Hydrogen bomb (also called H-Bomb) is a Fusion reaction where atoms are forced together. Atomic bombs were used in World War II, Hydrogen bombs have been tested, but not used in war.

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Why is a hydrogen bomb more devestating than an atomic bomb?

More powerful explosion.

What is stronger between the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb?

In general, a fusion bomb (hydrogen bomb) is more powerful than a fission (atomic) bomb. Fusion bombs use an atomic bomb to begin the fusion reaction.

Did the radiation improve in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bomb?

Yes, the radiation was much more abundant after the atomic bomb.

Did John Dalton study the atomic bomb?

No, he died more than 100 years before the atomic bomb was built.

Hydrogen bomb compared with atomic bomb?

A hydrogen bomb, also known as a thermonuclear bomb, is more powerful than an atomic bomb. It relies on nuclear fusion, where atoms are combined, to release immense amounts of energy. In comparison, an atomic bomb uses nuclear fission, where atoms are split, to generate explosive energy.

atomic bomb?

much more powerful than other bomb ,also called a neuclear bomb

Which one does more damage the atomic bomb or the thermonuclear bomb?

still, an normal atomic bomb is more powerful. a thermonuclear bomb can easily take out a base since the thermal energy it produces will easily deep-roast everything it touches, but it doesnt turn an entire city into ash in seconds, as do with a normal atomic bomb.

Is an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb more powerful?

The terms "atomic bomb" and "nuclear bomb" are general terms and can pretty much be used interchangeably. That said, there isn't any difference between them, and one is not more powerful than the other in that light.

What is the difference between an atom bomb and an atomic bomb?

The atomic bomb killed millions of people in just one bomb , the napalm on the other hand , was nothing like it . Napalm is a chemical device ... it produces fire (it's also called jellied gasoline). An atomic bomb is a nuclear device ... and puts out considerably more energy.

How does the atomic bomb help people?

The atomic bomb helped peopole know more about radiation poisining and helped in the advancements in neuclear energy.

Can there be an atomic bomb on earth?

Although your question is vague, atomic bombs have come and gone in terms of technology. We now have conventional weapons that are more powerful than the atomic bomb.

Was the atomic bomb used more then twice?

after the atomic bomb was dropped on japan 2 times nuclear weapons were band from being used in war.