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That would be cover under Army Regulation 690-600 Equal Opportunities, there is no such regulation stating that an individual must speak solely English while in uniform, however it becomes and Equal Opportunity (EO) issue due to the fact that the individuals may be speaking against another, it is more about consideration to others.

I never understood why if you are in the US Army or any other branch of service and fighting to defend the US why you would want to speak anything other than the spoken language in the US. I get the idea of staying true to you heritage but while at work guess what your American in an American uniform and should act as such by speaking the language.

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Q: Which army regulation covers speaking anything other than English in uniform?
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Continue Learning about General History

What Army regulation covers the uniform code of military justice?

AR 27-10

All Quiet on the Western Front Who was Paul speaking of when he said If you threw away these rifles and this uniform you could be your brother just like Kat and Albert?

he was speaking to Gerard duval, the french soldier he stabbed when he was in their trench

Why did the Nazis make the prisoners in holocaust wear uniforms?

It is standard practice to make prisoners wear uniform. I really wouldn't read anything into this.

Can alcohol be served to officials in uniform?

Not whiile they are in uniform no.

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What is Morgan Park uniform colors

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Absolutely not - the Navy, as with all the military branches, respects everyone's religion. The only regulation is that religious devices or objects not interfere with a uniform or daily duties. Carrying a bible to a church service doesn't interfere with duty, nor is it a part of the uniform. Navy Chaplains would have a difficult time complying if such a regulation existed.

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MCO 1020.34g is a United States Marine Corps Uniform Regulation. Officially it is Marine Corps Order 102.34g.

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AFI 36-2903, page 24 and 25. However each MAJCOM will have a supplement to this regulation and the individual Base Commanders can implement their own policies on wear of the uniform. Google E-pubs and it will bring up all the regs.

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