Entre 1685 e 1688, várias áreas na América do Norte foram exploradas, principalmente por colonizadores e exploradores europeus. Destacam-se:
Flórida: A exploração da Flórida foi intensa, especialmente por espanhóis, que buscavam expandir seu território e proteger suas colônias.
Vale do Rio Mississippi: Exploradores franceses, como René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, realizaram expedições na região, buscando rotas para o comércio e reivindicando terras para a França.
Terras do Canadá: A exploração na Nova França continuou, com foco em áreas ao redor do São Lourenço e das Grandes Lagos.
Costas do Atlântico: Colonos ingleses e holandeses estavam se estabelecendo e explorando mais as áreas costeiras, especialmente em Nova York e Nova Jersey.
Essas explorações estavam ligadas a interesses comerciais, territoriais e na busca por novas rotas e recursos.
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He Explored India And Africa ANd America
he explored america
Christopher Columbus explored areas in what is now the Bahamas, Cuba, and Central American on his four voyages to the New World. He also explored parts of the northern region of South America.
There are nine areas in North America that can be identified, but Kansas serves as the capital of this region
James Cook explored several areas. He was a cartographer as well as a Captain in the Navy. He explored areas in order to create maps.
The areas that columbus has already explored were asia, north america.
The French explored North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia. The British explored North America, India, Australia, and Africa. The Dutch explored Indonesia, South Africa, and parts of South America.
the spanish explored and conquered North America(indians)
He Explored India And Africa ANd America
Samuel de Champlain explored and established the first permanent French settlement in Quebec, Canada. He also mapped areas along the St. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes, contributing to the early European exploration of North America.
he explored america
The Inca Empire, located in present-day Peru, was not explored by European explorers due to its isolation and the formidable geographical barriers of the Andes Mountains.
La Salle explored areas of North America, including the Great Lakes region, the Mississippi River, and the Gulf of Mexico. His explorations were instrumental in expanding French influence in the region during the 17th century.
The conquistadors explored Mississippi River West down to Mexico from 1541-1590
Samuel de Champlain explored and mapped areas around the St. Lawrence River, including Quebec and areas of eastern Canada. He also established the first permanent French settlement in North America at Quebec City in 1608. Additionally, Champlain explored parts of New England, the Great Lakes region, and the coast of northeastern North America.
<APEX> Areas in the South Central, And North America