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The Phoenician alphabet, from which the Greek and Latin alphabets were developed.

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The Roman alphabet, later called the Latin alphabet, is used by more languages today than any other.

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Q: Which ancient alphabet forms the basis for the majority of modern languages in use today?
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What is the roman alpherbet?

There was not a Roman alphabet. There was the Latin alphabet, which was the alphabet of the ancient Romans (they were Latins) and the other Latins. Modern western European languages have adapted and adopted the Latin alphabet. In English the only letters which do not come from the Latin alphabet are J, U and W.

Which letters are in the ancient Hebrew did not have?

If you are asking which letters are not in the Ancient Hebrew alphabet, there are none. The Ancient Hebrew alphabet is identical to the Modern Hebrew alphabet.

What ancient alphabet is our modern-day English alphabet ORIGINALLY based on?


What ancient alphabet is your modern day English alphabet originally based on?


Where did the Latin alphabet come from?

The Latin alphabet evolved from the Etruscan alphabet, which was used by the ancient Etruscan civilization in what is now modern-day Italy. The Etruscans, in turn, borrowed the alphabet from the Greek alphabet, which had been developed by the ancient Greeks. The Latin alphabet was later adapted and expanded by the Romans and became the basis for many modern alphabets, including English.

Why are Modern Western European languages written in the Roman alphabet?

They were all influenced by the Romans.

Ancient Egypt's influence on modern day?

Writing, alphabet, and pyramids

Were the Greek Egyptian and Hebrew languages used to compose the alphabet?

Not really, no. The First modern, fully alphabetic writing system (including vowels) was the Greek alphabet, which was inspired by the Phoenician alphabet, which only had consonants.

What was Phoenicia's most important achievement?

Inventing an alphabet which became the basis for ancient and modern alphabets.

Who came up with the Latin alphabet?

The Latin alphabet was adapted from the Etruscan alphabet, which was ultimately derived from the Greek alphabet. Its use spread throughout the Roman Empire and became the basis for many modern alphabets, including the English alphabet.

What are the most ancient languages of the world?

Some of the most ancient languages in the world include Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian, and Sanskrit. These languages have long histories and are considered some of the oldest recorded languages in human history.

What are differences between cuneiform and the Phoenician alphabet?

Cuneiform is an ancient writing system of wedge-shaped characters used in Mesopotamia, while the Phoenician alphabet is a simpler script with 22 consonant symbols developed by the Phoenicians. Cuneiform was used for several languages and included syllabic and logographic elements, while the Phoenician alphabet was primarily consonantal and served as the basis for many modern alphabets.