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Q: Which actions did the U.S. federal government take during World War 2?
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How did the federal government's actions affect civilian life during World War 2?

The industrial demands for wartime production in World War II meant that civilians had to have rationing of basic materials, and some foodstuffs. Bureaucracy expanded dramatically during the war, as did federal power. The government became the single most important force in American life.

What did the federal government due when shortages occurred during World War 2?


Use 'contemptible' in a sentence?

The actions of the Nazi party during World War 2 were contemptible. Taxing Social Security earnings is viewed by some as a contemptible act by the federal government.

How was the federal government able to finance the increased production of goods and supplies during World War I?

Increases taxes

How did the federal government's actions influence civilian life during world war 2?

The industrial demands for wartime production in World War II meant that civilians had to have rationing of basic materials, and some foodstuffs. Bureaucracy expanded dramatically during the war, as did federal power. The government became the single most important force in American life.

Does federal government acknowledge Japanese being violated during World War 2?

Yes. They have compensated most victims

What was one effect of the expansion of the federal government during World War 1?

The federal budget went from less than $800 million in 1916 to $18 billion by 1919.

Why did the federal government feel it was necessary to intern people of Ukrainian and German descent during world war 1?

Because of chrenoblyle

The federal government initiated the bracero program during world war 2 in an effort to?

address the urgent need for agricultural laborers

What power did the sedition act give the federal government during world war 1?

The power to draft young men into military

What was the main action the federal government took to help pay for the war effort during World War 2?

rationed supplies