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Q: Which action was taken by Deng Xiaoping to improve the economy of China?
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Why did Deng Xiaoping see the need to reform China's economy?

Because It was faltering

What was the purpose of the four modernization's of Deng Xiaoping?

The purpose of Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations in China was to reform and improve the country's agriculture, industry, defense, and technology sectors. These reforms aimed to modernize China's economy and bring about rapid development after years of stagnation under Mao Zedong's policies.

which action was taken by deng xioqping to improve the economy of china?

encouraging some capitalist pratices

What does the phrase 'deng xiaoping' mean?

"Deng Xiaoping" was a politician and reformist leader of the Communist Party of China. He led China towards a market economy after Mao's death. He died in 1997.

Who changed China's economy from command to free market economy?

Although China is not yet considered to have a fully-fledged free market economy, Deng Xiaoping is credited with having enacted many economic reforms that helped push China in that direction.

Has Deng Xiaoping gone to jail?

Mao Zedong jailed Deng Xiaoping in fear of him attempting to overthrow Mao's dictatorship. Deng Xiaoping's views were different that Mao, he wanted China to be expanded and open to the world, something Mao Zedong opposed. Deng Xiaoping became the leader of the People's republic of China in 1978 and has changed China's market economy, something Mao Zedong probably opposed too.

What country has a modified capitalist economy?

The attempt to modify capitalist economy occurred in China. "It does not matter if cat is black of white, so long as it catches mices." Deng Xiaoping

What happened in China after Mao Zedong died?

After Mao Zedong died in 1976 Deng Xiaoping led the communists and wanted to make China an open country

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Explain the changes deng xiaoping made it to the Chinese economy What were the effects of these changes?

The changes had radical implications for the structure of the economic and social life in China.

How did China's economy under Mao differ from China's economy's since his death?

After Mao Zedong died in 1976 and the Four were arrested, Den Xiaoping took over. Deng Xiaoping improved China's economy by introducing a mix of capitalism and communism. For example, under Mao's reign, people worked on collective farms which earned little money. After Mao's death, under Deng's reign, farmers can give the crop to the government for payment and the rest of the crop can be sold by the farmer(s).

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