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businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production

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Junius Weimann

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Businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production.

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Q: Which action showed the failure of volunteerism where businesses and individuals act in the best interest of all as a remedy for the depression?
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Continue Learning about General History

What stopped the pharoes from diying?

Pharaohs, as individuals, probably had little or no interest in DIY

How did the british government improve great Britain's economy during the great drepression?

It lowered interest rates, which encouraged manufacturing and construction.

What measures did the government take during the hundred days to end depression?

Hoover created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to provide low interest loans, and policies created by President Roosevelt included The New Deal.

What causes a depression?

Depression is officially called Major depressive disorder, but is also known as: clinical depression, major depression, unipolar depression, or unipolar disorder. The term "major depressive disorder" was selected by the American Psychiatric Association.This is a mental disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem, and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.The understanding of the nature and causes of depression has evolved over the centuries, though many aspects of depression remain incompletely understood and are the subject of discussion and research. Psychological, psycho-social, hereditary, evolutionary and biological causes have been proposed.Most biological theories focus on the monoamine chemicals serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine that are naturally present in the brain and assist communication between nerve cells. Monoamines have been implicated in depression, and most antidepressants work to increase the active levels of at least one.There are also other things which cause depression. Check out this website for more information.Another opinionI believe there is no solid scientific research to support the "chemical imbalance in the brain" theory of mental illness.

What did Hitler mean when he said common interest over self interest?

As in the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. The fact that the Nazi party was one of nationalists meant they did not care for the individual rights of the German citizens. Like the right to free speech & the right against illegal search & seizure. If Hitler wanted you executed because you were a Jew or had bad genes. He would do so simply because the individuals "Self interest" in remaining alive was less important then "Common interest" of keeping the Germans nation "strong'' and "pure".

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What action showed the failure of volunteerism where businesses and individuals act in the best interest of all as a remedy of the depression?

businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production

What action showed the failure of Volunteerism where businesses and individuals act in the best interest of all as a remedy for the depression?

businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production

What action showed the failure of volunteerism where businesses and individuals act in the best interest of all as remedy for the depression?

businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production

What action showed the failure of volunteerism where businesses and individuals act in the best interest of all of the remedy for the depression?

businesses lowered wages and farmers increased production

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on A+: because of its effect on interest rates :))

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because of its effect on interest rates.

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on A+: because of its effect on interest rates :))

Why does monetary policy more directly influence businesses and individuals than fiscal policy does?

on A+: because of its effect on interest rates :))

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because of its effect on interest rates.

Why does monetary policy more directly influenced businesses and individuals than fiscal policy does?

on A+: because of its effect on interest rates :))

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Lack of interest or feeling is a definition for depression.

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Banks and other lending institutions provide secondary financing. Individuals or businesses getting secondary financing may pay a higher interest rate.