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General Grant became Presid ent in 1868. He was not a politician which is why his presidency was marred with corruption and other problems. His main flaw was that he treated the presidency like a military group. Meaning he trusted his cabinet who were a bunch of snakes.

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8y ago

General US Grant was elected to the US presidency as a Republican. His presidency had many positive highlights and also some low points. There was a good deal of corruption. The idea that corruption was there because he had no political experience, or that there was corruption because he was not a politician is not logical. Many are of the opinion that it is politicians who create corruption.

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10y ago

After the US Civil War many Northerners considered General Ulysses S. Grant the military hero of the Union. Grant ran on the Republican ticket in the 1868 Presidential elections.

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Q: Which Union general during the Civil War went on to be President of the US?
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His name was Ulysses S. Grant.

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The civil war general president was Ulysses Grant. He served as the US commander and general of the Union armies. He later on became the 18th US president.

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