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We derive our alphabet from them

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Q: Which Phoenician invention influenced the western world?
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Which is a Phoenician invention that influenced the Western world?

Alphabetic writing.

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The enlightenment is the basis of Western Civilization.So wherever is considered or influenced by Western Civilization.

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it was not the Geography of Greece which influenced western civilisation. It was Greek civilisation and the fact that the Greeks migrated out of Greece. They migrated to western Turkey, southern Italy and Sicily and they founded Marseilles in southern France. Thus, they created a Greek world which extended beyond mainland Greece. The Greeks influenced the peoples who lived near then. They also influenced the Romans. It is though this influence of the Romans that the Greeks later influenced western civilisation.

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It influenced the world by giving us many of the things we use today. HOW THIS IS POSSIBLE?

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All three originated in the Eastern Hemisphere, specifically Asia, but have most heavily influenced the Western world. Note that Continental Europe is part of the Western world despite its being in the Eastern Hemisphere.

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How did the Phoenician alphabet spread throughout the world?

Simply, it provided good influence to later phonetic languages like Hebrew, Arabic, Latin, and Greek as well as indirect influence to most languages written in today. The Phoenician alphabet is considered the first real alphabet. Alphabets are undeniably very beneficial to writing, learning, and speaking a language, which is why the Phoenician language was important.

What are the important leaders of the Phoenician's?

The kings of the independent city-states which made up the Phoenician world.

What ancient civilization did the US adopt its government?

The Rome civilization is American's most influenced government. This is in the Western part of the world.

Explain how the chinese inventions of paper the magnetic compass and gunpowder have influenced our world?

The Chinese invention of rice paper truly influenced the world. Like Greek parchment, Chinese paper made writing especially easier. The magnetic compass also allowed the world to understand time and direction. Gunpowder, of course, helped the world militarily and for hunting purposes.