

Which OSI layer makes frames?

Updated: 9/26/2022
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14y ago

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Data Link Layer

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Q: Which OSI layer makes frames?
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Bits are packaged into frames at which layer of the OSI model?

Data link layer

What layer of osi model is responsible for creating frames?

The Open Systems Interconnect or OSI model has seven layers. The layer that is responsible for creating frames is the Data Link layer.

Which osi model layer generates and detects voltage so as transmit and receive signals carrying data?

The physical layer of the OSI model is responsible for encoding frames in to the electronic/RF/optical signals of the physical medium and for reading the media and translating back in to usable frames.

What layer of the ois model adds source and destination MAC address to frames?

in the osi model data link layer is adds source & destination mac address to frames

What is the correct encapsulation order when data is passed from Layer 1 up to Layer 4 of the OSI model?

bits, frames, packets, segments

What is a switch known as that operates on layer 7?

There are no switches that operate on layer 7 (Application layer) on the OSI Model. Switches are a layer-2 device because they manage and switch frames.

Where does SDH fit into the OSI model and what protocol does it use to transmit frames?

Physical Layer, SONET is the other name used for it

Which of the OSI layers handle the following. 1.dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames 2.dividing the application data into segments?

Which of the OSI layers handle the following. 1.dividing the transmitted bit stream into frames? Data link layer Which of the OSI layers handle the following: 2.dividing the application data into segments? Transport layer the PDU (Packet Data unit) for layers is as the following - Application, Presentation, and Session layers ==> uses Data - Transport layer ==> uses Segment - Network layer ==> uses Packets - Data link layer ==> uses Frames - Physical layer ==> uses Bits. ....

What is the role of the data link layer protocols in data transmission?

The role is to transfer frames to packets

Which osi layer is application?

OSI stands for Open system interconnection model. Application layer is the seventh layer in OSI model.

Do frame encapsulate packet or packete encapsulate frames?

Frames are encapsulating packets. The data link layer makes framing and provide this service to the layer above layer "the network layer".

What two options represents layer four addressing in the osi model?

Layer 4 usually uses segments, layer 3 are packets, layer 2 are frames. Layer 4 uses either tcp (SYN and ACKS) and UDP (connectionless) with port numbers