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Q: Which Florida town was selected as the embarkation point for US forces heading to cuba in the Spanish American war?
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Related questions

Was Florida gained by the US at the end of the Spanish-American War?

No, Florida became a US State in 1845 and the Spanish American War was in 1898.

What people were living in Florida when spanish explorers came?

Native American

What American General attacked the Indians in Spanish Florida?

Andrew Jackson.

What part of North American was controlled by the Spanish?

The part of North America that the Spanish controlled is near Florida

What does Florida speak?

It comes from the Spanish Pascua Florida which means Easter or Feast of Flowers.

Did us gain Florida after spanish American war?

No. Spain sold Florida to the US many years earlier.

After American settlers poured into Spanish Florida after the War of 1812 and Spain decided to do what?

Sell Florida to the US for $5 million.

Was Florida gained by the US at the end of the Spanish -American War?

No. It was purchased and was not a trophy of War.

What American Indian group lived in the southern part of what is the state of Florida?

Well the Spanish

Why were the Spanish offering freedom to slaves in Florida?

The Spanish offered freedom to slaves in Florida as a tactic to weaken the United States during the War of 1812. By promising freedom to enslaved individuals who escaped to Florida, the Spanish hoped to incite unrest and protect their territory from American invasion.

How did the Spanish American War help Florida?

At least 250,000 soldiers, sailors and Marines passed through Florida on their way to and back from the war.

What American Indian group lived in the southern parts of what is now the state of Florida?

Well the Spanish