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Q: Which English city had a great fire in 1666?
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What capital city was nearly completely distorted by fire in 1666?

The great fire of London 2nd. to the 5th September 1666

What damaged the city of London in 1666?

The Great Fire of London.

When did the great fire start?

The Great Fire of London was in 1666.

What city was devastated by fire in 1666?

A catastrophic fire destroyed a large area of London in 1666.

When did the great fire of London finish?

The great fire of London took place in 1666 everyone knows that lol! [by a yr5 five in folkestone]

When did the fire start?

The Great Fire of London was in 1666.

When the fire start?

The Great Fire of London was in 1666.

The year of the great fire?


Which year did the fire of London start?

The Great Fire of London started in 1666.

1666 G F of L?

1666, GF of L, yes, what about it? Great Fire of London was in 1666.

Was the plague still around in 1666?

no it ended in 1666 by the great fire of london

What year was the great fire of London?

The Great Fire of London happened in 1666