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Q: Which English Princess married the King of Spain during Henry VIII's reign?
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How old was anne of cleves?

Anne of Cleves was a German princess who was born in 1515 CE. She married Henry VIII, King of England, in 1540 when she was 25 years old.

Who was Henry the second married to?

He was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was one of the wealthiest and most powerful women in Eastern Europe during the high middle ages.

How did marrying Catherine of Aragon benefit King Henry VIII?

She originally married Henry's brother Arthur, as part of a diplomatic coup by their father Henry (VII) Tudor linking England and Spain, but Arthur died young and Henry was married to Catherine to maintain the link. She was a feisty lady and put down a (Scottish?) rebellion during his absence in France once, and gave hima daughter, Mary, who became 'Bloody Mary', scourge of English Protestants. Henry's divorce from Catherine for lack of a male heir (and to marry Anne Boleyn) led to the separation of the English from the Roman Catholic Church because of the Pope's disapporival of the divorce. This led to the founding of the Church of England, with Henry as Head.

Was Henry Ford married?

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What has dissolution got to do with Henry VIII?

Dissolution has a great deal to do with Henry VIII. Have you ever heard of the English Reformation? Henry VIII started that period. The English Reformation was a period when England broke all ties with the Roman Catholic Church and became a Protestant nation because Henry VIII wanted a divorce from his wife, Catherine of Aragon. The pope refused and Henry broke all ties with Rome, creating his own English Church, and having himself proclaimed the Supreme Head of the Church of England. He then divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn. During this prosses Henry began the dissolution, or tearing down, of the Catholic monastaries. The first English Monarch to take such a drastic step in the religion of England.

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Is anne Boleyn an English princess?

She was queen of England after she married the King Henry VIII, but she was never a Princess. Prior to marriage her title was Marquess of Pembroke.

Which Tudor married a spanish prinecess?

Henry the 8th married a spanish princess. It was his first wife, Katherine of Aragon.

Who did a princess marry in the middle ages?

A princess would normally marry someone in a royal family or the high nobility. Royal marriages were a state matter and were connected with treaties. That being the case, the idea of a prince or princess marrying person who was outside these groups was almost unheard of, though we do have examples of such marriages. Contrary to popular myth, adult princesses who were unmarried were often able to marry whomever they chose. Eleanor of Aquitaine married two different kings, and on both occasions did this on her own. She was not a princess, but was a duchess who controlled about a third of France. I know of one example of a medieval princess who eventually married a commoner, and this was Catherine of Valois. She was a French princess who first married the English King Henry V. After Henry died, she married Owen Tudor, a Welsh commoner. As fate would have it, one of their grandchildren became King Henry VII. Please see the links below.

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English actor Jeff Hordley is married to Zoe Henry.

How many sisters did king Henry 8th have?

King Henry VIII had many brothers and sisters although most died young. They were: Arthur Prince of Wales (died young) Prince Edmund (died young) Princess Margaret - married James IV King of Scotland Princess Elizabeth (died young) Princess Mary - married the King of France, and secondly, Henry Duke of Suffolk Princess Katherine (died young)

Who was Henry VIII married to when Princess Caroline was born?

No one. Princess Caroline never existed. He had 6 children to Katherine of Aragon - 3 boys and 3 girls. Only one survived to adulthood Mary I. The other girls were either stillborn OR not named Caroline, Henry then divorced Katherine. Anne Boleyn had Elizabeth I and then gave birth to a stillborn son and then got her head chopped off. Jane Seymour gave birth to Edward VI and then died in childbirth. Henry had no child to his next 6 wives - Anne Of Cleves, Katharine Howard and Katherine Parr. That ghost video on YouTube, if it is true, is of some other random child. Not some mythical secret Princess of Henry's. The fact that Caroline was not an English Princess name during Henry's reign should be a give away that this video shuld be viewed with some level of scepticism.

What happend to Queen Victoria's children when they grew up?

Queen Victoria produced nine children, most of whom married into the leading royal families of Europe. Princess Victoria married Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia, and was the mother of Wilhelm II of Germany and seven other children. Prince Albert became King Edward VII of Britain. Princess Alice married Archduke Louis XIV. Alice produced seven children. Among them was Princess Alix, who married Czar Nicholas II. Princess Helena married Prince Frederick Christian of Schleswig-Holstein. Princess Louise married a commoner, John Campbell, who became the Duke of Argyll. Prince Arthur married the Princess Louise Margarete of Prussia. Prince Leopold married the Princess Helena Frederica of Waldeck. Princess Beatrice married Prince Henry of Battenberg.

Who was the English monarch that married Eleanor?

Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to King Louis VII of France in 1137, the marriage was annulled in 1152. From 1152 until 1189 she was married to King Henry II of England. Eleanor died in 1204 at the age of 82.

Are most of the Kings and Queens of England from German heritage?

no. The only one I can think of was Anne of Cleves a German Princess who breifly married Henry VIII.

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How old was anne of cleves?

Anne of Cleves was a German princess who was born in 1515 CE. She married Henry VIII, King of England, in 1540 when she was 25 years old.