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John Curtin - to participate in the defence of Autralia after the Japanese entered the war in 1941, rather than leaving them fighting in a European war.

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Q: Which Australian PM wanted to bring soldiers home during World War 2?
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How many Australian soldiers died in World War 2?

39.800 Australian Soldiers were killed during WW2.

Did Australian soldiers get leave during World War 2?

Yes, but not always back in Australia.

How many Australian soldiers were sent to world war 2?

Around 20,000 thousand Western Australian Soldiers were sent to war in Greece to aid Australia's greatest ally during that time, Britain.

Why soldiers decide to fight during world was 1?

because they wanted to find out who was strong... idiots

How many Australian soldiers became prisoners of war during World War 2?

26,358 Australian soldiers, of all branches(RAN, RAAF, Army) became POWs during World War II. This number includes both the Pacific war against Japan and the war in Europe, against Germany.

What did Australian Soldiers think of the Australian Nurses in World War 2?

they smokin hot!

Australian views of the Japanese soldiers during world war 2?

The Australian soldiers considered them to be extremely formidable soldiers until they realized with the allies they could be defeated. The Australian prisoners thought they were evil, cruel and monstrous people with the atrocities, cruelties and horrible care they gave to them and the American and the Brits. They were helpful in the War Crimes Trials to get the Japanese convicted.

What was the number of Australian soldiers in World War 1?


What did the Australian soldiers do when they returned from World War 2?

they had babbies

What were Australian soldiers called in the world wars?

Anzac's Or Diggers

Why was there a population growth during World War 2?

During World war 2 there was long separation from loved ones so when soldiers came back they wanted to start families.

Where did Australian soldiers mainly fight in World War I?

was this in world war 1 or 2?