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Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

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Q: Which American colonist drafted the Declaration of Independence using ideas from the European Enlightenment?
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What ideas of the European Enlightenment were most influential to the American colonists?

Ideas of natural rights, individual liberty, and the social contract from Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu were most influential to American colonists. These ideas inspired the colonists to challenge the authority of the British monarchy and lay the foundation for the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Why is Declaration of Independence important?

The Declaration of Independence is important because it was the official document that announced the freedom of the American colonies from Britain.---The Declaration of Independence, influenced especially by Enlightenment thinkers such as john Locke, is vital to American history because itprovides a justification for the American Revolutioncombined abstract governing theoriesinspired many revolutions around the worldgave Americans an understanding of their rights and values as a nation.Without the Declaration of Independence, the United States would have remained a part of Great Britain, and its history of continental expansion might have been quite different. The unique forms of American governmental institutions might never have been adopted, based as they were on the European philosophies of the late 18th century.

How did Age of Enlightenment affect the Latin American independence?

The Age of Enlightenment influenced Latin American independence movements by promoting ideas of liberty, equality, and individual rights. Intellectuals and leaders in Latin America were inspired by Enlightenment philosophies to challenge colonial rule and seek independence from European powers. The Enlightenment also fueled movements for political and social reform in Latin America, leading to increased calls for independence and the eventual overthrow of colonial governments.

What European country was inspired by the declaration of independence?


How did Benjamin Franklin help in war?

He traveled to France to get help from European nations.

How are the ideas of the European Enlightenment and the natural rights theory of John Locke incorporated into the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson derived inspiration from enlightenment philosophers when he drafted the Declaration of independence, and included principles of self government and natural rights. Enlightenment ideas promoted freedom of choice and religious freedom. A self government would not pay taxes to the British government.

Which European theory was rejected by the declaration of independence?

Taxation without representation was the European theory that was rejected by the writing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The reason for the Revolutionary War was taxation without representation.

Why is the declaration of independent is important?

The Declaration of Independence is important because it was the official document that announced the freedom of the American colonies from Britain.---The Declaration of Independence, influenced especially by Enlightenment thinkers such as john Locke, is vital to American history because itprovides a justification for the American Revolutioncombined abstract governing theoriesinspired many revolutions around the worldgave Americans an understanding of their rights and values as a nation.Without the Declaration of Independence, the United States would have remained a part of Great Britain, and its history of continental expansion might have been quite different. The unique forms of American governmental institutions might never have been adopted, based as they were on the European philosophies of the late 18th century.

What even touched off the first Declaration of Independence of war in World War 2?

What country's declaration of independence are you referring to? A declaration of independence is different from a declaration of war. The American Declaration of Independence stated that the American colonies were breaking off ties with the British Empire and were forming their own government. This led to war but was not a declaration of war. As for the event that sparked WWII: Simple answer- Germany invading Poland More complicated answer- Practically all of European history from the mid-1800s up until 1939, with WWI and global economic collapse as primary stage-setters.

What European writer influenced Jefferson's declaration of Independence?

John Locke

Why did Latin American nations seek independence?

Latin American nations sought independence from European colonial powers due to a desire for self-governance, cultural identity, and economic independence. They were inspired by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers and the success of other independence movements, such as the American Revolution. Economic exploitation, social inequality, and political oppression also fueled the drive for independence in Latin America.

Why do you think it would be important that the new nation maintain its consanguinity or close kinship with the English People in The Declaration of independence?

The Declaration of Independence was a letter to the king laying out the reasons for independence. It was written by Thomas Jefferson who was known for his ability to write. He had read the enlightenment thinkers and this showed in the document. There was no “new nation” in 1776 and there won’t be until 1789. The “English people” had nothing to do with the Declaration and the population of the colonies was 48% English with the rest of the colonies population were German, Swedish, Irish, Scottish, and from other European countries.