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The river Oder begins in the Czech Republic and flows through western Poland, later forming 187 kilometers of the border between Poland and Germany. It eventually flows into the Baltic Sea.

The river Vistula is Poland's largest river and it too eventually flows into the Baltic Sea.

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Q: Where would you find the rivers oder and vistula?
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What is the largest river in Poland?

There are 29 rivers in Poland. The rivers flow over different parts of the country. Vistula River is the largest river in Poland.

Which Polish river starts with O?

Wisła, Warta, Wieprz, Wkra, Wisłok, Wda Wisła (Vistula) is the main Polish river. Warta is big, too.

What body of water is in Poland?

According to a map located on the CIA World Fact Book, the only two major bodies of water located IN Poland are the Vistula and the Oder River. The Vistula runs from the SW corner near the border of the Czech Republic into central Poland, running through Warsaw, the capitol, and then emptying into the Baltic Sea in the North. The Oder starts in the Czech Republic and runs into western Poland before running along the Poland/German border around Frankfurt and then runs into the Baltic Sea. These are the two "major" bodies of water recognized by the CIA, however there are several small lakes and rivers located in Poland.

Where do Germans originate from?

there were three major tribal groups: the eastern Germanic peoples lived along the Oder and Vistula rivers; the northern Germanic peoples inhabited the southern part of present-day Scandinavia; and the western Germanic peoples inhabited the extreme south of Jutland and the area between the North Sea and the Elbe, Rhine, and Main rivers.

What river forms a portion of the border between Poland and Ukraine?

Odra in Polish or Oder in English and German is the river defining most of the boundary between Germany and Poland. The remaining part of the boundary with Germany is along its tributory, the Nysa River. Odra River starts in the Czech Republic and reaches the Baltic sea to the north of the city of Szczecin. It forms a delta with three branches that empty into the Baltic Sea via the Gulf of Pomerania.

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Four rivers in Germany?

The four main rivers in Germany are considered to be the Elbe, Rhine, Vistula, and Oder.

What is the largest river in Poland?

There are 29 rivers in Poland. The rivers flow over different parts of the country. Vistula River is the largest river in Poland.

What rivers feed the Baltic Sea?

There are over 60 rivers that empty into the Baltic Sea, The German river Trave near Lubeck - In Poland, the Vistula, - In Lithuania the Neman. - In Latvia the Venta River, - In Estonia The Pirita, - In Russia the Neva, - In Sweden The Tommarpaan. There are many others

What are some primary rivers of Western and Eastern Europe?

Western rivers: The Danube, The Rhine, The Elbe, The Mein, The Seine, The Po, The Oder Eastern rivers: (The Danube) , The Dnieper, The Dniester, The Volga, The Vistula, The Tisza

Name of a river in Polonia?

Vistula Oder Warta Western Bug

What are the major rivers in Europe?

The Thames, Rhine, Rhone, Danube, Dnieper, Don, Elbe, Loire, Oder, Po, Shanon, Tagas, Vistula, Volga, Ural, Pechora, Dneister, and Daugara.

What are three major rivers in Poland?

The longest river in Poland, the Vistula (Wisla) winds its way from the Beskidy mountains of southern Poland, through Krakow and Warsaw and up the the bay in Gdansk to the Baltic Sea, 1,047 kilometers (678 miles) long and draining an area of 194,424 km² (75,067 sq. miles).

Which two rivers serve as Poland's western border?

The Oder and Neisse

What river flows through Germany and is the one of the longest and most important rivers in Europe?

That would be the River Oder

What are Germany's four major rivers?

Rhine, Elbe, Weser & the Oder.

What feeds the Baltic Sea?

The Baltic Sea has a very complex system of replenishing itself. It discharges around 940km3 of brackish seawater into the North Sea, while a subsurface layer of more saline water flow brings back 475km3 , this happens because of the different salinity levels.The deeper you go in the Baltic Sea, the more saltier the water is.The shortfall is made up of fresh water from over 250 rivers and streams that discharge into the sea, including the rivers Oder and Vistula.

Which Polish river starts with O?

Wisła, Warta, Wieprz, Wkra, Wisłok, Wda Wisła (Vistula) is the main Polish river. Warta is big, too.