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Westminster Abbey

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Westminster Abbey.

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Q: Where were the kings and queens of England usually crowned?
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When was Christopher wren crowned?

He wasn't crowned, he was knighted in 1673 to become Sir Christopher Wren. Only kings and queens are crowned.

What actors and actresses appeared in Kings and Queens of England - 2004?

The cast of Kings and Queens of England - 2004 includes: Alan Ereira as Presenter

Is the throne of England king david's throne?

Yes. The one on which The british Kings And Queens Are Crowned.Actually it is a Stone which is fitted under the seat.King David p.b.u.h was crowned on a Stone Slab.

How do you remember kings and queens of England?


What have kings and queens bought to England?

a monarchy

What are the ratings and certificates for Kings and Queens of England Volume I - 1993 V?

Kings and Queens of England Volume I - 1993 V is rated/received certificates of: UK:E

Where are the Kings and Queens of England crowned?

Westminster Abbey, London, England.See the Related Link.

What are the ratings and certificates for Kings and Queens of England Volume II - 1994 V?

Kings and Queens of England Volume II - 1994 V is rated/received certificates of: UK:E

What is The Chronicles of Narnia about?

Four siblings (2 brothers and 2 sisters) come from England into a magic land called Narnia. There they defeat a witch and are crowned kings and queens. But that is only one book out of seven.

Who is Londons preident?

England doesn't have presidents, they have kings and queens.

Could kings rule in England if never crowned?

Yes, both Edward V and Edward VIII ruled but were never crowned?

How did Martin Luther infulence kings and queens in England?

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