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they were forced to moves to Canada

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Q: Where were native Americans forced to move after the Indian removal in 1830?
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How did the Indian removal affect Native Americans?

The Indian Removal Act forced Native Americans away from their native homes. They were forcibly relocated, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away. Some died on the way and all were disenfranchised.

How many native Americans were force to migrate the Indian removal act of 1830?

Over 2,000 Native Americans were forced to relocate south.

How did the Indian Removal Act affect Native Americans?

The Indian Removal Act forced Native Americans away from their native homes. They were forcibly relocated, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away. Some died on the way and all were disenfranchised.

How did Indian removal act affect native Americans?

The Indian Removal Act forced Native Americans away from their native homes. They were forcibly relocated, sometimes hundreds or thousands of miles away. Some died on the way and all were disenfranchised.


The Indian Removal Act forced the Native Americans to move on to reservations, while their children were taken and forced to abandon their religion, culture, and language.

What was the effects of the Indian removal act of 1830?

it forced native americans from areas where they had lived for hundreds of years

What did Andrew Jackson institute that forced the Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River?

the Indian Removal Act

Why Native Americans were forced to move?

Native Americans were made to move because of various reasons. These include:the Indian Removal Act of 1830gold found in many of their landswhite settlers wanted to move westconflicts between the Native Americans and the white settlers grew.

What was the law that allowed native Americans to be removed from their lands?

The Indian Removal Act

What act moved native Americans west of the Mississippi river?

Indian Removal Act

What group was most hurt by Jackson removal policy?

The Native Americans were hurt by Jackson's removal policy. They were forced to move to what is now Oklahoma.

How did the Indian removal act benefit the Native Americans?
