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They were not restricted to a specific geographical area at any time.

America is a vast country with great resources for settlement and all European settlers tried to occupy one area or the other whatever available without much of opposition from the Natives.

It is true that there was a tendency to establish their own communities just as the other ethnic groups did but it was done for their convenience and not as a government mandate.

Germans are a conservative nation who do not like to mix up so easily.

Different groups settled among those with whom they had a common language, religion and customs. It was efficient to share the cost of building a church or guild hall if they clung together until they all learned the same language.

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Q: Where were German immigrants allowed to work in America?
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What jobs did Germans have when they got to America in the 1900's?

The German immigrants got well off jobs like butchering and factory work.

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Immigrants moved to America mainly so they could make money. In America at the time there were many new factories and railroads that needed workers, and immigrants helped fill those positions. between 1890 and 1919, 39% of the population growth was because of immigration. I hope this helped?

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As illegal immigrants in the United States of America.

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To find work, to become a landowner and have Religous Freedom

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(in the US) the age at which juveniles may (legally) work is governed by state law which can change from state to state.

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The immigrants from Ireland had to work to get money for their children to have an education. And because in 1900, there were more Irish people in America than there were in Ireland.

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Span and America share good relations. Spanish immigrants can work freely in US if they have a legal work permit.

Should America remain a nation of immigrants?

North America, (specifically the USA) has always been a 'nation of immigrants', beginning with Europeans who immigrated here, raping the environment, the natural resources and the natives. Non-European immigrants have brought industry, innovation, manual labor and diversity to America.***(Mexico, Central and South America have also been raped by European 'immigrants', only to a much greater degree).***The majority of Americans have 'immigrant' blood in their veins, from both the voluntary and involuntary 'immigrants'.***The immigrants who come here today do the work that most Americans won't. They thrive on lower standards of living than most Americans would put up with and the majority of them work harder, for less pay. They benefit the nation, as well as the economy and should be allowed to continue their immigration.***Quit your whining.***America is a very wealthy nation and most Americans are 'spoiled rotten'. The "Americans" who complain about 'immigration' seem to be complaining only about 'non-European' immigrants. Don't think for a minute that this is not obvious to the World.***Anything Americans worry about losing to 'immigrants' was most likely stolen from the Native-Americans in the first place. American society has had and will always have room at the 'bottom rung of the ladder' for immigrants, minorities, the 'under educated' and the poor. America should remain a nation of 'immigrants'.

Do Italian immigrants still come to America?

Yes, Italian immigrants continue to come to America, although in smaller numbers compared to previous waves of immigration. Modern Italian immigrants often move to the United States for reasons such as work opportunities, education, or family reunification.

Where did Italian immigrants go when they FIRST arrive in America?

Italians go to new york when they come to America so they can start lives and find work in factories

How did immigrants begin there new lives in America?

Immigrants began new lives in America by getting off the boat and looking for a place to live and work to earn money, or they got off the boat and took a train to where they could begin to farm available land.