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Sunesret 1 was the one to build the White Chapel.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

it was probably built in cairo or karnak

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βˆ™ 10y ago

It was built to honor a dead pharaoh

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Q: Where was the white chapel in Egypt originally built?
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Was the white chapel in Egypt built in cairo?

no it was built in karnack

Who built the white chapel in Egypt?

The White Chapel in Egypt was built by Senusret I, a pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom during the 12th Dynasty. It is located at Karnak in the precinct of Amun-Re in modern-day Luxor. The Chapel was dedicated to the god Amun and served as a religious structure for offerings and rituals.

Where is the white chapel?

Its located in Egypt

Where is the White Chapel located?


How long did it take to build the white chapel of Egypt?

it took 22 years and 12 days to build the white chapel of egypt.

When was the white chapel built?


What did pharaoh Senusret 1 do?

he built the white chapel

Did the pharaohs built the White Chapel?

The White Chapel was built around the 12th dynasty by the Pharaoh Senustret I. Amenhotep III was the Pharaoh that took apart the chapel in order to fill his Karnak in the 18th dynasty.

Why was the white chapel?

The white chapel was built to show that pharaohs did have a system of religionADDED: The fact that they believed in the after life and nobody ever mentioned it to them is amazing! :D

Why was the White Chapel built?

Senuseret I built the white chpel... Correction!The person who ansered this is wrong. Sensuret one did not build it but he did get or recieve it as a gift from the people when he had his Jubilee festival which is thrity years of phatoh.Also the second time the archarologists build it so yeah

How do you say white chapel in German?

The white chapel = Die weisse Kapelle

how was the Liberty Bell made or built?

The bell was cast in the White Chapel bell foundry in England. It cracked the first time it was rung.