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Q: Where was the un invasion in Korea?
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What was the U.S response to North Korea's invasion of south Korea?

U.S. troops aided South Korea with support from the UN.

What resulted from the UN invasion of North Korea?

It caused China to enter the Korean War.

How was the Korean a war to stop communism?

North Korea was and remains a communist nation, and in 1950 it invaded the non-communist nation of South Korea. The UN acted to defeat the invasion. South Korea as a result did not become communist.

Why did the US and UN join forces to fight North Korea?

The UN security council voted to help South Korea resist the North Korean invasion. The US was one of the members of that council. It also had the largest army, navy and air force.

What is the initial reason the US sent troops to Korea?

The Communist invasion of South Korea.North Korea's invasion of South Korea

Who fights who in the Korean War?

In the beginning it was NORTH Korea invading SOUTH Korea. Within months of that invasion, the US & UN are involved; in the defense of SOUTH Korea. Communist China enters the war on the side of NORTH Korea, after the US/UN advances too close to their border. NORTH Korea and the Red Chinese are communist nations. SOUTH Korea and the UN are free world nations. The USSR supplies the hardware for the communists to fight with (Tanks, Jets, Artillery, etc.).

When did Second Manchu invasion of Korea happen?

Second Manchu invasion of Korea happened on 1636-12-09.

When did First Manchu invasion of Korea happen?

First Manchu invasion of Korea happened on 1627-03-03.

Who sent the north Korea invasion of south Korea?

.Mr. dop!

Who became in charge of the UN response to the invasion of Seoul?

General Douglas MacArthur was placed at the head of UN Forces in the Korean War (which was the conflict that resulted when the UN acted to thwart North Korean aggression against Seoul and South Korea generally.

South Korea invaded North Korea to try to reunite the country?

South Korea did not initiate an invasion of North Korea. The Korean War was initially started by the invasion of an ill-prepared South Korea by the (North) Korean People's Army on June 25th, 1950. This was because North Korean leader Kim Il Sung wanted to unite the two factions of Korea that had been developed under the division of responsibility for postwar occupation forces between the US and Soviet Union. It is true that after UN intervention saved the South Koreans from a full-out defeat, UN-led forces entered North Korea and reached as far north as the border with China in some locations prior to the Chinese intervention. This part of the war could be classified as a counter-invasion.

When north Korea invaded South Korea They were trying to take over South Korea?

Yes, that is what an invasion is.