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The plague affected the lymphatic system most of all but also the the circulatory system and so was septic. The lymph nodes became black because of gangrene and that's why the reason the plague was called the Black Death.

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Q: Where was the plague badly on the body?
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How did the bubonic plague affect school?

it would be affected quite badly what with missing children and staff

How does the plague attacks and spreads through the body?

Black Death Plague attacks our body. Symptoms are bloody vomit fever and tumors.

What countries in Europe did the black plague reach?

There may be some areas of northern and northeastern Europe, areas in what is now Russia, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania that did not see the plague. It hit the rest of Europe pretty badly.

What were the superstitions during the bubonic plague?

Some thought that toad venom would draw the plague out the body and other one was that by rubbing bread on the body of St. Domencia (church in Italy) one eaten the plague would simply be cured

When did the black plauge get to England?

The Black Plague got to England after the Hundred Years War, which was btwn France and England. At this time, France was badly affected with the Plague so they gave infected blankets to the English and naturally, they got it too.

What were symptoms of the bubonic plague in the Elizabethan era?

Spots on your body

How does Bubonic Plague affect the body?

in fact the plague does kill you but the symptoms are bulges on the neck and body in fact why they call it black death is the bulges turn black and burst that's why you die

What part of the body does the black plague affect?

The skin and the vital organs. It is also called the Bubonic plague because it forms lumps on the skin.

How did the combination of plague upheaval in the church and war affect Europe in the 1300 and 1400s?

In the 1300's-1400's, Italy was particularly badly hit by the plague, and it has been speculated that the familiarity with death that this brought caused thinkers to dwell more on their lives on Earth, rather than on spirituality and the afterlife.

Did the black plague hit Itaily?

yes it did in the 1300s but no body really noticed it

What is difference between pneumonic and bubonic plague?

Bubonic and septicemic plague are two of the three types of plague. The main difference between the two is that the bubonic plague cause extreme infection and swelling of the lymph nodes while the septicemic plague cause the body's clotting mechanism to stop.

Can you give me a sentence for the word decomposed?

They discovered the body and it was badly decomposed.