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Southern Spain. The Kingdom was called Granada and surrendered 1492.

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Q: Where was the last Arabic kingdom in Spain?
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The last Arabic kingdom in Spain was in cordoba or Granada?

The last Arabic kingdom in Spain was in granada

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What was the last stronghold of the Moors in Spain?

Granada was the site of the last Moorish kingdom in Spain. It was surrendered to Isabel and Ferdinand in 1492.

Does the African language contribute to the spanish language?

No, it doesn´t. Spanish language comes from Greek, Latin (when Roman were in Spain), an ancient language from Germany and Arabic also (during 7 centuries, Spain was Al-Andalus, a wealthy, Arabic kingdom). Furthermore, spanish has english, italian and french words (the last century) like futbol (football).

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The surname Tamez is Spanish and is from the Arabic Tamiz, and means "awareness". So Spain.

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The Kingdom of Maynila existed in the 16th century until it was conquered by Spain in 1571. Rajah Sulayman known to his people as "Rajah Mura" was the ruler of the kingdom at the time of its conquest.

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As a general answer, the Christian Kingdoms of northern Spain (Castille, Leon, Portugal, Aragon, etc.) wished to drive the Muslims out of Spain. These kingdoms eventually consolidated (except Portugal) into the Kingdom of Spain, led by Queen Isabella of Castille and King Ferdinand of Aragon, who made it their mission to remove the last Islamic Kingdom of Granada and expel all Muslims from Spain with the Inquisition.

Where did the last name romero originate?

either Italy ,Eastern roman empire , But most likely Spain probably Aragon wich was a medieval christian kingdom of northern Spain

What country occupies Western Sahara?

Western Sahara was turned over by Spain to Morocco in 1975. The Arabic name of Morocco is al-Mamlakah al-Magribiyah which means "The Western Kingdom".

Which kingdom is more powerful France or Spain?

France is a republic, not a kingdom. Economically it is largely ahead of Spain.