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Just to east if the plains of Mesopotamia is a region mountains ,tains ,valleys ,and deserts that is today the nation of Iran.

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Q: Where was the homeland of the Persians?
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What is the homeland for the Persians?

I farted but i Not have the abiliity to answer thes quistion

When the Persians ruled the Fertile Crescent the Hebrews were permitted?

To go back to their homeland and rebuild the Holy Temple.

How is Jewish history different from that of Bedouins Turks and Persians?

The Jews have been exiled from their homeland and spent most of their history in exile in foreign lands. They have only recently returned to their ancestral homeland.

Who win spartan against Persian?

Yes the Persians did defeat the 300 Spartans and Greeks, but after, a double spy led the Persians to the wrong straight after destroying Athens. The Greek fleet overwhelemed the Persians, so the Persians retrieted. The Persian bridge that was biult was destroyed and the the Greeks kept part of the bridge as a trophy. With Persia now out of their homeland, the Spartans and Athenians teamed up once more and went to battle with the Persians. The battle of Persia and Sparta/Athens lasted 3 years. The Spartan/Athenian army defeted the Persians!Persia lost against the Spartans/Athenians!

Is the Jewish religion similar to any other?

AnswerNaturally, the Jewish religion, Judaism, is similar to Christianity and Islam, which have their roots in Judaism. It is also somewhat similar to Zoroastrianism, the religion of the Persians who defeated Babylon and allwed the Jews to return to their ancestral homeland.

What part of speech is homeland?

The word "homeland" is a noun.

Where is the homeland of Nike?

The Homeland? or Headquarters?Homeland is USA, Headquarters is Beaverton, Oregon.

What did ancient Persians or Iranians call themselves?


Who was the king of the Persians?

The leader of the Persians was Xerxes I

What is the of most Persians?

Most Persians today are Muslim, but before the advent of Islam in Persia, most Persians were Zoroastrians.

What is a antonym for homeland?

An antonym for homeland is "foreign land" or "another country."

What is the most recent cabinet position to be created?

homeland security, in 2002