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Q: Where was the growing middle class most likely to find jobs during the industrial revolution?
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Which headline would most likely have appeared in a pamphlet during the Industrial Revolution?

"Karl Marx Attacks Capitalism"

What statement would a critic of capitalism have most likely made during the industrial revolution?

The predominant criticism would be that business owners get rich while workers remain poor.

The growing middle class was most likely to find jobs in?

The professions and industrial and business management.

What historical event eventually led to a major imbalance in the carbon cycle?

Lots of plants & few animals - about half a billion years ago. (The Carbonaceous.)

What would be the next work by Mark Twain if he were still alive?

Most likely something about the industrial revolution. He wrote about his time and events.

What are 2 major changes due to the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s?

There are lots of different ways the Industrial Revolution changed our lives now.1: You would not have NEAR as mush stuff as you do now and that includes Internet.2: Transportation and slavery would still be problem most likely.

What action would a loyalist have been likely to do during the Revolution?

oppose the Declaration of Indepencence

What was the first country to experience the industrial revolution?

Well countries don't JOIN the industrial revolution, different countries have different industrial revolutions however the first one apparently happened in Great Britain in the late 18th and early 19th century. The changes then spread throughout Europe and North America, eventually the world (well some places might not have e.g. tribal islands or small countries that felt they didn't need or want to). The changes occurred through each countries own industrial revolution although they were most likely to have follow in the footsteps of other countries after seeing the positives of it.

Which development most likely contributed to the conditions described by Riis?

The rapid urbanization and influx of immigrants during the Industrial Revolution most likely contributed to the poor living conditions described by Riis. The overcrowding in cities, lack of proper housing infrastructure, and low wages for workers in industrial cities exacerbated the problems faced by the urban poor.

Would the southern colonies have succeeded if there was no slavery?

most likely the south would have become less farm like and the industrial revolution would have happened sooner so um... most likely

Is it likely that a dark colored moths existed before the Industrial Revolution?

Yes, dark colored moths likely existed before the Industrial Revolution. The dark coloration in moths can be attributed to genetic variations that provide camouflage against predators, regardless of human-induced environmental changes.

What action would a loyalist been least likely to take during the revolution?

Join the Continental Army.