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The first possible evidence of bows and arrows is from South Africa about 64,000 years ago.

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Q: Where was the first bow and arrow made at?
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Related questions

When was the first bow made?

the first bow and arrow was made in aproximitly 38,000 B.C.

What was the first bow an arrow made out of?


Who made the first bow and arrow?

cro magon

When was the bow n arrow made?

the bow and arrow was made in japan around the medieval stages,

What country does archery started?

Archery - the use of a bow and arrow was invented by our ancient hunter gatherer ancestors, we have no record as to where the first bow and arrow were made.

How was the bow and arrow first invented?

they saw a bow and they saw and arrow and decided to shoot it

What is a bow and arrow made out of?

Woo for the bow. And mostly carbon for the arrows

Did the bow and arrow originate from the spear?

The bow and arrow originates from the Atlatl, ( the first mechanical projectile weapon.

Can an arrow go through a shield?

Yes, but it depends on what the shield is made of, what the arrow is made of, and what kind of bow is used.

How has a ancient bow and arrow changed into a modern bow and arrow?

The ancient people made the bow and arrows. The bow and the arrows are changing because of the people or inventor that wants to improve it. They created bowgun,the bow that using in archering etc.

How do you spell the sound made by a bow and arrow?

snap fzing!

How old is the bow and arrow?

First stone arrow heads date back 64,000 years. Wooden Modern bow and arrow technology dates back about 8000-9000 years.