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Q: Where was the first Spanish settlement in Georgia?
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Where was Georgia's first settlement?

Savannah, Georgia was the first Britishsettlement.

What was georgias first English settlement?

Savannah was the first English settlement in Georgia.

What was the first settlement Georgia?

Savannah Georgia Actually, Savannah, founded in 1733, should be qualified as the first English settlement in Georgia. However, Santa Catalina was founded by the Catholic Spanish in 1587. It was a flourishing settlement with hundreds native Indian converts living there. About one hundred years later it was raided and plundered by the notorious English pirate, Nicholas Agramont.

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St. Augustine, Florida; a Spanish settlement.

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Cebu was the first Spanish settlement in Southeast Asia. It was founded by the Spanish Cortes in 1571.

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The first Spanish settlement in the Philippines was established in Cebu, specifically in the town of Cebu City, by the Spanish explorer Ferdinand Magellan in 1565.

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First permanent settlement of Georgia?


Where is the first Spanish settlement in the Americas?

The first permanant settlement is in Pensacola, FL.

What was the first in Georgia?

Savannah Georgia Actually, Savannah, founded in 1733, should be qualified as the first English settlement in Georgia. However, Santa Catalina was founded by the Catholic Spanish in 1587. It was a flourishing settlement with hundreds native Indian converts living there. About one hundred years later it was raided and plundered by the notorious English pirate, Nicholas Agramont.

Name the first spanish settlement in South Carolina?

San Miguel de Galdape was the first Spanish settlement in South Carolina.