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The defining line was known as the Mason-Dixon line that starts at the southeastern tip of Pennsylvania.

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Q: Where was the dividing line between north and south in the civil war?
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Which line are dividing between the north south himisphere?

The Equator.

What were the differences between the south and the north in the civil war?

one is south and one is north

What were the differences between the north and south in the civil war?

one is south and one is north

Where is the dividing line between north and south America?

The dividing line between North and South America is typically considered to be the Panama-Colombia border. This is where the narrowest point of the Americas, known as the Isthmus of Panama, connects the two continents.

What were the differences between the south and the north ideologies pre civil war?

One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

What is the dividing line between north and south?

A dividing line between two places is usually called a border.

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The 38th parallel

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The 38th parallel is the dividing line between North and South Korea.

What was the civil war between?

the north and the south parts of USA

Which is the US war between the north and the south?

The civil war.

What was the norths stratagy during the civil war?

One of the things the North wanted to do was to capture the Mississippi River, dividing the south in half.

What was the main dispute in the civil war between the north and the south?
