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Q: Where was the demand for the slave labor the highest?
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Reasons caused the rapid increase of slave labor after 1680?

Possibly the dependency of slave labor for cotton production that was in high demand. It was cheep and demand was high.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor Carolinas?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor in Carolina?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was there high demand for slave labor in the Carolina's?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor in the Carolinas?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

What crop created a demand for slave labor in the late 17th century America?


Why did the the demand for slave labor develop in the Americas?

They didn't have enough people to work for them on their land.

How was the demand for labor on the slave frontier met?

Slaves were sold in the South by owners in the border states.

Why did the Spanish and Portuguese use slave labor in the colonies?

To work for them.

Why was there a demand for slaves?

There was a demand for slaves primarily for economic reasons, such as plantation agriculture and labor-intensive industries. Slaves were seen as a cheap source of labor that could be exploited for profit. Additionally, the ideology of white supremacy and the perception of Africans as inferior contributed to the demand for slave labor.

What was the effect of the labor movement?

The growing demand for slaves led to an increase in the slave trade within the U.S.

How did scarcity of labor in the Americas encourage the Atlantic slave trade?

The scarcity of labor in the Americas, particularly in industries like agriculture and mining, led to the increased demand for slaves to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive activities. This demand fueled the growth of the Atlantic slave trade as European powers and colonists sought to fulfill their need for labor by forcibly bringing enslaved Africans to the Americas.