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In Croatia. Serbian forces invaded Croatia, but were defeated.

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Q: Where was the Yugoslav war fought?
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Why did Croatia and Serbia go to war?

The Croatian War of Independence was a war fought in Croatia from 1991 to 1995. It was fought between the Croatian government, having declared independence from theSocialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and both the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and Serb forces, who established the self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK) within Croatia. The war was fought on Croatian land.

When did Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War end?

Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War ended in 1938.

When was Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War created?

Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War was created in 1936.

How many people died in 1991 yugoslav civil war?

There was never yugoslav civil war. Serbia attacked coutries that alredy had their independence.

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the majority of the war was fought in France

Who was the Yugoslav Resistance in World War 2?

Many of the partizans in WW2 were led by Tito.

Who was the president during Yugoslav War?

President George H. W. Bush. (The father)

How could Serbia avoid the war?

There was no way Serbia could avoid Yugoslav war, because if there was Serbia would have done it...

What is a yugoslav?

A Yugoslav is a person from or associated with Yugoslavia.

The origins of the war in Croatia?

The Croatian War of Independence was a war fought in Croatia from 1991 to 1995. It was fought between the Croatian government, having declared independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and both the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) and Serb forces, who established the self-proclaimed Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK) within Croatia. Croatia won the war with many losses (war ran on Croatian land). Peace was made by Dayton Agreement (in Dayton, Ohio). This was later signed in Paris in December 1995.

What date was spanish am war fought fought?

it was fought fought in 1898

What was the worst war the us fought?

the worst war the USA. fought was the Civil War.