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The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine was TR's statement regarding European intervention in the Western Hemisphere. It was first used in Santo Domingo. That nation was having trouble paying debts it owed to foreign nations. There was a chance that one of the European powers, or several, might send troops to Santo Domingo to collect the money owed them. TR used a combination of negotiations and threats to take control of the Santo Domingo customs houses. He than had the money collected applied to Santo Domingo's foreign debts. To maintain U.S. influence in Latin America

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Q: Where was the Roosevelt Corollary first used?
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When the Roosevelt Corollary was issued, it amended the Monroe Doctrine.

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Dollar diplomacy was an extension of the Roosevelt Corollary in the sense that Roosevelt tried to eliminate European

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Dollar diplomacy was an extension of the Roosevelt Corollary in the sense that Roosevelt tried to eliminate European

The Roosevelt Corollary expanded the idea first established by the what?

Monroe Doctrine -Apex

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The Roosevelt Corollary expanded America's role in Central America and the Caribbean.

Is it true that the Roosevelt corollary revoked the Monroe doctrine?

the roosevelt corollary both subverted and contradicted the monroe doctrine.

On what did roosevelt corollary build?

The Roosevelt Corollary was built upon the Monroe Doctrine, named after President James Monroe. Roosevelt outlined the corollary in 1904, during his State of the Union speech.

The Roosevelt corollary expanded on an idea first established by the what?

Monroe Doctrine