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It is located in the National Mall in Washington DC, which includes a reflecting pool between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.

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Q: Where was the Lincoln memorial built?
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What was built first the Washington monument or the Lincoln memorial?

Lincoln memorial

What monuments where built to honor Abraham Lincoln?

the lincoln memorial

What was the point to built the Lincoln memorial?

To honor Mr. Lincoln

How many people did it take to build Lincoln Memorial?

It took 3,600 people to built the Lincoln memorial

Why did Abe Lincoln build the Lincoln Memorial?

He didn't. It's a memorial, which means it was built after he died as an honor to Lincoln and his accomplishments as president.

What was built in Washington DC to honor Abraham Lincoln?

the Lincoln memorial

What memorial in Washington DC had a word spelled wrong on it when it was first built?

The Lincoln Memorial has the word "future" spelled as "Euture".

How did people honor Abraham Lincoln?

They built a memorial for him which is now called the Lincoln Memorial and they put him on the penny for his honor to his country.

How long was it from the time Lincoln died until the Lincoln Memorial was built and dedicated?


Why is the Lincoln memorial important to us?

it was built for the 16 president

What is the name of the monumeent built to honor the sixteenth president?

The Lincoln Memorial

When was the Lincon Memorial built?

It was dedicated in 1922, but the sculture of Lincoln was completed in 1920