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Company K, 116th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division landed on OMAHA Beach at DOG GREEN beach, about 1000 meters to the east of Vierville-sur-Mer draw. Brig-General Norman Cota, the divisional assistant commander, lead a group of men in a break-out from DOG GREEN beach with Company C. The 2nd Battalion(Companies E, F, G, H) broke through on the east side of St. Laurent and 2nd Lt. John Spalding lead Company E over the top, followed by Company G. The 3rd Battalion (Companies I, K, L, M) opened a path at the draw northeast of Collierville and with support from naval batteries, they had taken the enemy stronghold by 0900. Brig-General Norman Cota lead troops in-land behind the town of Vierville-sur-Mer. Elements of the 1st and 2nd Battalion and the 5th Rangers attacked Vierville between 1000 and 1100. Elements of the 3rd Battalion and a few of the 2nd Battalion fought inland toward St. Laurent and the assembly area southwest. They were stopped short of St. Laurent. Source: "The Cross-Channel Attack" printed by Center for Military History.

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Q: Where was the K Company of the 16th Infantry on D-Day?
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How do you find a soldier in the seventh Infantry Company B?

ClarificationInstead of 7th Infantry Company, you probably mean 7th Infantry Regiment. Soldiers usually referred to their regiment or occassionally their Division. The discharge papers usually refer to the veteran's regiment. During WW2, the typical Infantry Division consisted of 3 Infantry Regiments and 4 artillery battalions and an engineer battalion and other supporting companies. Each Regiment consisted of 12 companies divided into 3 Battalions as follows:1st Battalion - Companies A, B, C, D2nd Battalion - Companies E, F, G, H and3rd Battalion - Companies I, K, L, M (no J).So, the term "7th Infantry Company" is not correct. A soldier would refer to his unit as:"Company B, 7th Infantry Regiment"If the soldier was talking to another soldier within the same division or location, he might shorten it to say: "7th Infantry, Company B". Here he implies a regiment and the comma(,) seperates the two levels of command. So your Question is not really Incorrect, but it needed some clarification for some readers.Also, Company B was in the 1st Battalion, so any reference to "1st Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment" would include his company. The Battalion was commanded by a Colonel and is the basic unit used in combat. So many histories will refer to the battalions and not the companies.AnswerThe 7th Infantry Regiment was part of the 3rd Infantry Division. This unit saw combat in Italy and fought at Anzio until July 1944 and then landed in Southern France in Aug 1944. There is a unit history on the 3rd Infantry Division that was printed in 1947 or so. Recently, it has been re-printed by Battery Press. It is a very large book and it is unique to most unit histories in that it contains an extensive roster of the soldiers who served in this unit. I would recommend that you contact your library and ask for an inter-library loan for this book. This book may have his name in it.The 7th Infantry Regiment were known as the "Cotton Balers". This unit is a descendant of a unit that fought at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 and they used cotton bales to fortify their position.I wouldn't mind looking through it for your soldier's name.CustermenReference: "History of the 3rd Infantry Division in WW2" by Donald G. Taggart, available through Battery Press in Nashville, TN.

How many divisions in a regiment?

It is the other way around: Regiments are sub-commands of a Division. This is true for US and British and German and for other wars. US Infantry Division were formed in 1941 into Triangular Divisions to reduce the size from the WW1 divisions. Each Division consited of Three Infantry Regiments with additional companies and special battalions such Artillery and Engineer. Each Infantry Regiment consisted of Three battalions; each Battalion containing 4 companies(3 infantry Companies and 1 heavy weapons company). So Companies A, B, C, & D(heavy weapons) were part of the 1st Battalion; Co. E, F, G, H with 2nd Battalion and Co. I, K, L, M with 3rd Battalion. A typical US Infantry Division totalled 15,000 men with fully organized. A Regiment was about 3,000 men.

How many soldiers does a Captain and a Major command?

The normal slot for a captain in the WWII US Army was commanding a company. In the infantry, the actual companies which did the fighting were denoted by a letter, from A to M (excluding J). So, they were sometimes called "letter companies", or "line companies", or "rifle companies". At the start of the war the Table of Organization called for 225 men in a rifle company. By late in the war this had been reduced to 187 men, at full strength. In the rifle companies there were four platoons, commanded by lieutenants - three rifle platoons and a "weapons" platoon, with 81MM mortars and machine guns. A major or a lieutenant colonel usually commanded a battalion. In the infantry these had four companies - three rifle companies, as above, plus a weapons company. Three battalions made a regiment. 1st Battalion was A, B and C, and weapons company D, 2nd Battalion was E, F, and G and weapons company H, and 3rd Battalion was I, K, and L and weapons company M. The Marines used the identical scheme but their companies were a little bit larger.

Max l alcantar bronze medal recipent wwll?

ALCANTAR, MAX L. Pfc. G.O. #20, 1 Dec 44, 104th Inf. Div. When an enemy machine gun was located to the rear of the company, Pfc. Max L. ALCANTAR, Company K, 415th Infantry, an automatic rifleman in the first wave, silenced the gun. He was wounded by shrapnel, but maintained his position until the other men in the wave were successfully withdrawn. Max was my great uncle, this information retrieved from

What American army unit in Italy earned a larger number of citations for combat heroism than any comparable army unit?

442nd Regimental Combat Team which included the 100th Battalion.This unit consisted of Japanese-Americans from the west coast and Hawaii. They were one of the most decorated units in the US Army. They also had the unique distinction of fighting in Italy alongside the 36th Infantry Division, then transferring to Southern France with the 7th Corps and then were returned back to Italy, where they served until the end of the war. All other units that were pulled out of Italy for the invasion of Southern France did not return.While in Italy, the 442RCT was attached to the all-Black 92nd "Buffalo" Infantry Division, along with the 478th Regimental Combat Team, which consisted of men who had been trained as anti-aircraft gunners but where re-trained as infantryment. This made the 92nd Infantry Division an inter-racial US unit, having white soldiers, black soldiers and Asian soldiers.Organization:442nd COMBAT TEAM442nd Infantry Regiment..1st Battalion (100th Infantry Battalion) - Companies A, B, C, D..2nd Battalion - Companies E, F, G, H..3rd Battalion - Companies I, K, L, M.....-522 Field Artillery Battalion - 16 Mar 1945, reassigned to 7th Army......-232 Combat Engineering Company......-Anti- Tank Company......-Cannon Company......-Service Company......-206 Army Band...Supporting Units......-599th Field Artillery Battalion of 92nd DivisionLink to a short history: see related links (below)

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It would be difficult to provide a detailed history of Company K to include its troop movements, battles, casualties and such. The 3rd Infantry Divison served in Sicily and Italy, including time at Anzio Beach. After the fall of Rome in June 1944, they participated in the invasion of Southern France where they fought into Germany. There is a detailed history of the 3rd Infantry Regiment that was published soon after the war. Maybe you can obtain a copy through an inter-library loan. Or you can purchase it from the publisher; Nashville Press. "History of The Third Infantry Division in World War II" by Donald G. Taggart. Battery Press, 1945

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