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The French Revolution did not last just one day, it lasted 10 years (from 1789 until 1799).

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Q: Where was the French king on the day of the French revolution?
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Who was king loui xvi?

The King of France when the French Revolution happened.

Why do the French celebrate revolution?

The French Revolution is very important because before July 14th 1789, it was a monarchy, with a king, and after it became the democracy. French people celebrate this day as Americans celebrate the Independence Day.

Who was the last French King before the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI.

French King who was executed duing the French Revolution?

King Louis XVI was the only French King to be executed.

Who was king on the eve of the fench revolution?

Louis XVI was king on the eve of the french revolution.

Fact on the King of France during the French Revolution?

Louis XVI was an inept and indecisive French King who lost his office and his head during the French Revolution.

What is the definition of the French Revolution?

the french revolution was a rebellion of the french against their king. it was a bloody and violent batttle/rebellion

Who was the King of France at the time of French Revolution?

The French revolution began in 1789 and ended in 1799. The King was Louis XVI, he was executed in 1793.

What famous king and king lost their heads during then french revolution?

The French king under the French revolution was King Louis XVI. The Queen was Marie-Antoinette. They were both executed using the guillotine.

The day king Louis is exicuted?

You probably mean King Louis XVI who was executed during the French Revolution. He was executed on January 21st 1793.

Who were king and queen of France before and during the french revolution?

Louis XVI. He was deposed and sent to the guillotine.

What estate was the king in during the french revolution?

None of them. The King was the King, period.