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They have not found Cleopatra's body. However the search for her tomb is being carried out at this time.

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It was never discovered. She commit suicide with snake venom and was buried next to her lover, archaeologists haven't found her tomb yet

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Q: Where was queen Cleopatra's body found?
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Have they found Cleopatras tomb?

No, not yet, but they are actively searching for it at present.

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Cleopatra was a queen. Her job was ruling her country.

What was Cleopatras job?

Cleopatra was a queen. Her job was ruling her country.

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Cleopatra was a QUEEN. Her occupation was ruling her country.

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It was to make Egypt better (economy, taxes, and etc.) YO WELCOME :)

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Cleopatra's tomb is the place where Cleopatra was buried. It has not been found.

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No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.No, his body was never rcovered.

What was queen Cleopatras sons name?

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