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Q: Where was fur trading and lumbering important?
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Why was animal fur important to the dutch?

Trading- it was expensive

Why was fur important to french explorers?

Yes For Trading

What did the middle colonists do for a living?

farming, trading, and lumbering

What was important to the puritans?

fishing, fur trading, lumber and whaling.

What are some ways to make a living in colonial new york?

farming, blacksmithing, selling cash crops, fur trading, shipbuilders, fishing, lumbering, tailors, tanners, inn keepers, printers

Why was the trading post Samuel de Champlain started important to France?

it was important to France because the fur trading gave the french sweaters and money.

Why was the trading post that Samuel de Champlain started important to France?

it was important to France because the fur trading gave the french sweaters and money.

What is fur trading?

Fur trading is a type of bartering system. In fur trading, furs from animals are traded for goods and services.

What were some job opportunities in Delaware in the 1640s?

The jobs available are shipbuilding lumbering and trading

Why was the trading post that Samuel de Champlain startedbimportant to France?

it was important to France because the fur trading gave the french sweaters and money.

Why was fur trading important in the development of Canada?

get more land found water route to china

What were some jobs in colonial Massachusetts?

farming, lumbering,fishing,shipbuilding,and trading were some jobes that they had.