

Where was britannic build?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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15y ago

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In the harbor of Belffast and Wolff. (i think,)

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How much did the britannic cost to build?

40 million

What three super Ships did the white star line decide to build?

The three ships were Titanic, Olympic, and Britannic. Titanic sunk of the coast of Canada, Britannic was sunk by a German mine, and Olympic was scrapped in 1937

Who fired at the Britannic?

Nobody shot the britannic It was the Luisitania that was torpedoed the britannic struck a German underwater Mine

Does Kate Winslet star in britannic?

no she was not in britannic she whas in titanic

What is the britannic?

The Britannic was the largest Olympic-class ocean liner. The Britannic was the sister ship of the Titanic and Olympic. It was built in 1911.

When was the britannic built?

the britannic was launced on nov. 26 1915. To begin the britannic was going to be named gigantic but after the titanic disaster it was renamed.

Why they build Titanic first?

Titanic was not built first. Of the three Olympic-Class vessels Olympic was first, Titanic was second, and Britannic was third.

When was Britannic - film - created?

Britannic - film - was created on 2000-06-20.

What are the Titanic's two sisters?

Titanic had two sister ships; the sister ships were the Britannic and the Olympic.

Who sank first Titanic or Britannic?

The Titanic sank in 1912 And the Britannic sank in 1916

Did britannic have guns?


Is Titanic stronger than Britannic?

As I heard, Britannic was even more unsinkable than Titanic ;]